10 Fun Alternatives to Think-Pair-Share

Think-Pair-Share is a popular classroom activity that encourages student engagement and participation. However, if you’re looking for some fresh and exciting alternatives, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we will explore 10 fun alternatives to Think-Pair-Share that you can try out in your classroom or any collaborative setting.

  1. Gallery Walk: Set up stations around the room with different topics or questions. Students can rotate and discuss their thoughts and ideas at each station.
  2. Speed Networking: Create pairs or small groups and give them a limited time to discuss a specific prompt. Then, rotate the groups and repeat the process with new partners.
  3. Snowball Fight: Write a question or topic on a piece of paper and crumple it into a “snowball.” Then, students throw the snowballs around, pick one up, and share their thoughts with their partners.
  4. Graffiti Wall: Divide the class into groups and assign each group a different topic or question. Give them time to discuss and write their ideas on a large sheet of paper or whiteboard.
  5. Four Corners: Post four different statements or options around the room. Students move to the corner that represents their opinion and discuss their reasoning with others in that corner.
  6. Round Robin: Give each student a chance to share their thoughts one by one in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. This ensures that everyone has a chance to contribute.
  7. Fishbowl Discussion: Select a few students to sit in the center of the room, forming an inner circle. They have a discussion while the rest of the class observes. Afterward, switch roles.
  8. Quiz-Quiz-Trade: Students create their own quiz questions based on the topic. They pair up, quiz each other, and then trade questions and find new partners to repeat the process.
  1. Role Play: Assign each student a different role or perspective related to the topic. They engage in a discussion or debate from their assigned viewpoint.
  2. Silent Conversation: Provide each student with sticky notes or a digital platform to write their thoughts. They can pass these notes around or respond to each other’s ideas without speaking.

These 10 alternatives to Think-Pair-Share offer a variety of interactive and engaging ways for students to collaborate and share their ideas. Experiment with different methods and see which ones work best for your classroom dynamics. With these alternatives, you can bring even more fun and creativity into your classroom discussions!