15 Elementary Icebreakers To Start the Year Off Right

Introduction: Starting off the school year can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for elementary school students. To help create a positive and welcoming environment, icebreakers are a great way to break the ice, encourage interaction, and build relationships among students. Here are 15 fun and engaging icebreaker activities to kickstart the year on a high note.

  1. Name That Emoji: Ask each student to choose an emoji that represents them best. Have them introduce themselves and explain why they chose that particular emoji. This activity not only helps students learn each other’s names but also encourages self-expression.
  2. Human Bingo: Create a customized bingo card with various traits or facts about students, such as “Has a pet,” “Has traveled to another country,” or “Plays a musical instrument.” Students mingle around the class, trying to find classmates who match their traits and filling in their bingo cards accordingly.
  3. Two Truths and a Lie: In this classic icebreaker, students take turns sharing two true statements and one false statement about themselves. The class guesses which statement is the lie, allowing everyone to learn interesting facts about their peers while having fun.
  4. All About Me Collage: Provide students with art supplies and ask them to create a collage that represents themselves using pictures, words, and drawings. Afterward, they can present their collages to the class, sparking conversations and connections.
  5. Find a Friend: Give each student a puzzle piece when they enter the classroom. Their task is to find the person holding the matching puzzle piece. As they search for their match, students have the chance to interact and get to know one another.
  6. Who Am I?: Write the names of famous people, fictional characters, or historical figures on sticky notes. Attach a note to each student’s back without revealing the name. Students then ask “yes or no” questions to their classmates and try to guess who they are.
  7. M&M Icebreaker: Provide each student with a small bag of M&Ms. Assign each color a question or prompt, such as red for a favorite book, yellow for hobbies, and green for a dream vacation. Students take turns sharing their responses as they enjoy their M&Ms.
  8. Jigsaw Puzzle Team-Building: Divide students into small groups and give each group a jigsaw puzzle to solve. Encourage teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills as they work together to complete the puzzle within a time limit.
  9. Wacky Interviews: Pair up students and have them interview each other using unusual interview questions like “If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?” or “If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?” The quirky questions allow students to express their creativity and learn more about their classmates.
  10. Classroom Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items or clues related to the classroom. Students work individually or in pairs to find the items or solve the clues. This activity familiarizes students with their surroundings while promoting collaboration and problem-solving.
  11. Would You Rather?: Present students with a series of dilemmas, such as “Would you rather have super strength or the ability to fly?” Students take turns sharing their choices and explaining their reasoning, leading to lively discussions and friendly debates.
  12. Word Association: Sit students in a circle and start with a random word. Each student then says a word that is related to the previous word. This activity stimulates creativity and encourages students to think on their feet.
  13. Personal Glyphs: Assign each student a symbol or shape and instruct them to create a personal glyph representing something unique about themselves. Students then share their glyphs with the class, explaining their meanings and sparking conversations.
  1. Role Reversal: Divide the class into pairs and assign each pair a specific task, such as teaching a short lesson to the rest of the class or solving a problem together. Afterward, have the pairs switch roles, allowing each student to experience both teaching and learning.
  2. Classmate Interviews: Provide students with a list of interview questions to ask their classmates, such as “What is your favorite subject?” or “What is your proudest accomplishment?” They can then present the responses to the rest of the class, helping everyone to get to know each other better.

Conclusion: These 15 elementary icebreakers are excellent tools to help students get to know each other, encourage teamwork, and create a positive classroom environment. By incorporating these activities into the start of the school year, teachers can set the stage for a year filled with friendship, collaboration, and learning.