17 Things You Can Do While Actively Monitoring a Standardized Test

Introduction: Standardized tests can often be long and tedious, leaving teachers and proctors with the challenging task of actively monitoring students. While it’s important to remain vigilant and ensure a fair testing environment, there are ways to make the monitoring process more engaging and productive. In this article, we will explore 17 things you can do while actively monitoring a standardized test, helping you make the most of your time.

  1. Read a Book: Take advantage of the quiet testing environment to catch up on your reading. Choose a book that has been on your to-read list for a while and immerse yourself in a different world while still keeping a watchful eye on the students.
  1. Listen to Audiobooks or Podcasts: If reading isn’t your preferred activity, consider listening to audiobooks or educational podcasts. Expand your knowledge while actively monitoring, making the most of every moment.
  1. Grade Papers: Use the time to tackle your grading pile. Whether it’s assignments from the same class or previous tests, grading papers can be a productive task while ensuring an attentive watch over the students.
  1. Plan Upcoming Lessons: Stay ahead by working on lesson plans for the upcoming days or weeks. Use this uninterruptedĀ time to brainstorm ideas, create engaging activities, or adapt your teaching materials.
  1. Reflect on Teaching Strategies: Think about your teaching strategies and consider how you can improve them. Use the quiet moments during the test to reflect on your methods, analyze student performance, and brainstorm innovative ideas.
  1. Organize Your Classroom: Take advantage of the test administration to organize your classroom. Tidy up your desk, rearrange supplies, or create an inviting and efficient learning environment for your students.
  1. Learn a New Skill: Why not use the opportunity to learn something new? Download language learning apps, explore online courses or delve into a subject you’ve always wanted to explore. Make studying while monitoring a win-win situation.
  1. Respond to Emails: Have a backlog of emails waiting for your attention? Use the time wisely to respond to important messages. While monitoring the test, you can address any pressing matters and keep your inbox organized.
  1. Engage in Professional Development: Explore online platforms or webinars that offer professional development opportunities. Discover new teaching techniques or gain insights from experts in the field while fulfilling your monitoring duties.
  1. Brainstorm Classroom Projects: Think about future projects that will enhance your students’ experience. Use the test monitoring time to brainstorm creative and engaging projects that align with your curriculum.
  1. Catch Up on News: Stay informed about current events by catching up on news articles or watching educational videos. Stay updated while actively fulfilling your responsibilities as a monitor.
  1. Create Educational Resources: Utilize the time to create educational resources that can enhance your teaching. Whether it’s making digital presentations, interactive quizzes, or educational videos, embrace the opportunity to craft resources that benefit your students.
  1. Reflect on Student Performance: Take a moment to reflect on student performance from previous assessments. Identify areas where students struggled or excelled, and plan interventions or further challenges accordingly.
  1. Meditate or Practice Mindfulness: Use the serene environment of the testing room to practice mindfulness or engage in calming activities such as meditation. Clear your mind, reduce stress, and recharge while ensuring a fair testing environment.
  1. Research Classroom Strategies: Research and explore new classroom strategies that can boost student engagement and learning outcomes. Use this time to stay up-to-date with the latest educational methodologies.
  1. Connect with Peers: Reach out to fellow educators or peers to exchange ideas or discuss challenges you face in the classroom. Engage in professional conversations via email, chat groups, or online forums while monitoring the test.
  1. Create a To-Do List: Lastly, utilize the monitoring time to create a to-do list for the upcoming weeks. Prioritize tasks, set goals, and ensure you stay organized and efficient in your teaching practice.

Conclusion: Actively monitoring a standardized test doesn’t have to be a monotonous task. By exploring these 17 things you can do while monitoring, you can make the most of your time, enhance your professional growth, and create a positive impact on your students. So next time you find yourself overseeing a test, seize the opportunity to engage in productive, enriching activities.