18 Clever Ways to Display Student Work In the Classroom and Online

When it comes to displaying student work, there are many creative and interactive ways to showcase their achievements. Not only does it make the classroom vibrant and engaging, but it also boosts student morale and pride in their accomplishments. Here are 18 clever ways to display student work in the classroom and online:

  1. Bulletin boards: Utilize bulletin boards to showcase student artwork, writing samples, and other impressive projects. Change the display regularly to keep it fresh and exciting.
  2. Digital portfolios: Create digital portfolios for each student to showcase their best work. Use online platforms or apps that allow students to upload their projects and share them with peers and parents.
  3. Slideshows: Create captivating slideshows featuring student work. Use software like Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides to showcase a collection of images, videos, and writing samples.
  4. Gallery walks: Organize gallery walks where students can wander around the classroom to admire their peers’ work. Provide prompts or questions to encourage discussion and reflection.
  5. Interactive display boards: Use interactive whiteboards or touch screens to display student work. Allow students to interact with the board and explore various projects.
  6. Hanging mobiles: Create hanging mobiles using student artwork. Hang them from the ceiling, creating a captivating display that adds movement to the classroom.
  7. Virtual exhibitions: Organize virtual exhibitions where students can digitally showcase their work. Create a dedicated website or use online platforms to curate and display their projects.
  8. Class newsletters: Include student work in class newsletters to showcase their achievements to parents and the school community. This can be in the form of artwork, creative writing, or project highlights.
  9. Digital storytelling: Encourage students to create digital stories using multimedia elements. Display these stories on classroom screens or share them online for wider visibility.
  10. 3D displays: Turn student work into 3D displays. Use cardboard, clay, or other materials to create sculptures or dioramas that highlight their projects.
  11. Window displays: Utilize windows as display spaces. Use colorful adhesive sheets or window markers to showcase student artwork or inspirational quotes.
  12. Student-led exhibitions: Empower students to curate their own exhibitions. Provide them with guidance on selecting and organizing their work, and let them take ownership of the display.
  13. Social media showcases: Create dedicated social media accounts or hashtags to celebrate student work. Regularly share photos, videos, and descriptions of their achievements.
  14. Digital photo frames: Use digital photo frames to display a rotating collection of student work. Hang these frames around the classroom or in common areas for maximum visibility.
  15. Collaborative murals: Create collaborative murals where students contribute individual pieces that come together to form a larger artwork. This fosters teamwork and unity among students.
  16. Digital bulletin boards: Use digital bulletin board platforms like Padlet or Pinterest to create virtual displays of student work. Students can upload their projects and interact with each other’s work.
  17. Student portfolios: Encourage students to create physical portfolios where they can collect and showcase their best work throughout the year. Provide storage or display space in the classroom.
  18. Podcasts or video tutorials: Allow students to create podcasts or video tutorials based on their projects or areas of expertise. Share these recordings on class websites or social media channels.

By implementing these clever ways to display student work, you can create a visually stimulating environment that celebrates and motivates your students. Whether it’s in the physical classroom or online, showcasing their achievements can boost their confidence and inspire others.