19 Easy Ways to Get Kids into Birding

Birdwatching is a wonderful hobby that can spark curiosity and a love for nature in children. Not only does it improve their observation skills, but it also teaches them about different bird species and their habitats. If you are looking to get your kids interested in birding, here are 19 easy ways to ignite their passion for these beautiful creatures:

  1. Set up a bird feeder: Install a bird feeder in your backyard to attract a variety of birds. Let your kids help fill it with bird food and watch as different species visit.
  1. Create a bird-friendly garden: Plant flowers, shrubs, and trees that are known to attract birds. Encourage your children to help in the garden, teaching them about the importance of providing a natural habitat for birds.
  1. Attend birding events: Look for local birding events in your area and take your kids along. These events often have guided tours and educational activities designed especially for children.
  1. Visit nature centers and parks: Explore nearby nature centers and parks that offer birdwatching opportunities. Many have designated bird trails and informational signs that can engage young birders.
  1. Invest in a bird identification book: Purchase a bird identification book specifically designed for kids. This way, they can learn about the different species they encounter during their birding adventures.
  1. Use technology: There are numerous mobile apps and websites available that can help identify birds by their calls or appearance. Use these tools to make bird identification more interactive for your children.
  1. Take a virtual birding tour: If you cannot go on a physical birding trip, consider taking a virtual tour. Many attractions and nature reserves offer virtual experiences where your kids can learn about birds from the comfort of home.
  1. Join a birding club or organization: Find local birding clubs or organizations that organize activities for kids. These groups often provide educational materials and opportunities to meet other young birders.
  1. Plan birding trips: Take your kids on birding excursions to different locations. Explore nearby forests, lakes, and wetlands, observing birds in their natural habitats.
  1. Use binoculars: Invest in a pair of child-friendly binoculars so that your kids can get a closer look at birds from a distance. Teach them how to use them properly to enhance their birding experience.
  1. Create a bird journal: Encourage your children to maintain a bird journal to record their observations. They can sketch birds, write descriptions, and note down interesting behaviors they witness.
  1. Engage in citizen science projects: Participate in citizen science projects like bird counts or nesting surveys. This hands-on activity will not only contribute to scientific research but also make your kids feel like true birding experts.
  1. Follow birding blogs and podcasts: Find age-appropriate birding blogs and podcasts that share interesting stories, facts, and experiences related to birding. Encourage your children to subscribe and learn from these valuable resources.
  1. Explore bird videos and documentaries: Watch bird documentaries or online videos with your kids to learn more about different species, their behaviors, and conservation efforts.
  1. Encourage drawing and crafts: Foster creativity by encouraging your children to create bird-related art and crafts. They can paint or draw birds, make bird feeders, or construct birdhouses.
  1. Learn bird calls: Help your kids identify bird sounds by learning various bird calls together. Practice imitating the calls and challenge each other to figure out which bird is making the sound.
  1. Take part in bird banding events: When possible, participate in bird banding events where experts capture, tag, and release birds. This unique experience will leave a lasting impression on your kids.
  1. Support local bird conservation: Teach your children about the importance of bird conservation and ways they can contribute. Support local organizations that work towards protecting bird populations and their habitats.
  1. Foster a love for nature: Ultimately, instilling a love for nature as a whole will naturally lead to an interest in birding. Encourage your children to spend time outdoors, explore different ecosystems, and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

By implementing these easy and fun ways to get kids into birding, you can open their eyes to the wonders of the avian world. Remember to make it enjoyable and let their curiosity guide their birding adventures. Happy birding!