5 Steps to Creating Student Documentaries in Middle School

As digital technology becomes increasingly accessible and user-friendly, student documentaries are a fantastic way to engage middle school students in both creative and educational pursuits. Creating documentaries allows students to showcase their research, storytelling, and presentation skills while also gaining valuable insights into the world around them. Here are five steps to help guide your middle school students through the process of creating student documentaries.

1. Choose the Topic

Selecting a topic that resonates with your students will set the stage for their learning process. Encourage them to find subjects they’re genuinely curious about, whether it’s a social issue, historical event, or local community story. The topic should be relevant and substantial enough for a short documentary, but not too broad or difficult to tackle.

2. Conduct Research

Once the topic is chosen, students will need to dive into research. They can start by gathering information from books, articles, websites, and other sources. Encourage your students to explore different perspectives on their subject matter and validate their sources by cross-referencing them with other materials. Primary resources like interviews and personal accounts can offer first-hand insights and greatly enhance the documentary.

3. Plan and Storyboard

Before diving into the actual production process, it’s crucial for students to develop a plan for their documentary. First, have them outline the structure of their film by setting up a narrative arc with an introduction, body with key points or arguments, and conclusion. Then assist them with storyboarding – creating a visual representation of each scene using drawings or photographs. This helps ensure that the end product stays organized and focused on their central message.

4. Gather Footage & Multimedia Content

With the storyboard in hand, it’s time for your students to gather footage – whether they are capturing interviews or shooting landscapes for B-roll content. Encourage them to choose engaging visuals that will complement their narrative effectively. Additionally, they can create or compile other multimedia elements, such as images, graphics, and audio recordings that will enhance their story.

5. Edit and Polish the Documentary

Equipped with various resources and footage, your middle school students are now ready to edit their documentaries. They can use video editing software like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro to sequence and synchronize everything. Encourage them to experiment with various editing techniques, from cutting clips and overlaying sound to utilizing transitions and text. Provide ample feedback during this stage so that they can refine and polish their work before it’s ready for an audience.

By following these five steps, middle school students will have successfully navigated their way through the process of creating a documentary. Not only will they have gained valuable technical skills in research, storytelling, and video production, but they’ll also walk away with increased awareness of their chosen topic and an appreciation for the power of documentary filmmaking in conveying meaningful stories.