9 Ways That Technology Boosts Student Confidence in the Classroom

The inclusion of technology in the classroom has been shown to improve student participation, information retention, and overall test performance. One reason for the success of educational tech is that it boosts student confidence. Students who are secure in their abilities, work harder and take their educations seriously.

You may wonder how technology boosts student confidence in the classroom. Well, here are nine ways.

  1. Application of Previous Knowledge

Most students, even young ones, have a base understanding of technology and how to use it. Applying that information in class can help students feel like they are already getting it, early on.

  1. Flipped Learning Perspective

The traditional classroom requires students to accept and retain information passively. An interactive approach allows students to take an active role in their education. Active engagement through games, online assignments, discussions, and research help build student confidence through participation.

  1. Enjoyment of Tasks

Making learning fun can reduce student frustration and confusion. The addition of classroom games, informal group projects, and student guided research can help students feel less pressured to perform. Learning should be a more organic process, not forced down students’ throats.

  1. Peer Collaboration

Online communication and shared technology platforms encourage peer cooperation in class and on home-based assignments. Often students feel more able to ask for help in an email than in person. The connection of students for course-related work allows this collaboration to transform student performance.

  1. Ability to Accomplish More

Often, the incorporation of online resources or peer collaboration can help students perform higher level tasks. Capacity to master more complex assignments will give students confidence in their intelligence and ingenuity. 

  1. Ability to Use Outside Resources

Giving students a broad information base, with the addition of online resources, enables them to find their solutions to your questions.  Those pupils who find answers themselves will feel a greater sense of accomplishment than those who rely on a textbook or teacher-led learning.

  1. Increases Interaction of Shy Students

Having online discussions or assignments boosts the involvement of those students who lack the confidence to raise their hands in class. The ability to verify their answer before giving it or privately answer a question helps shy students engage with your course. Most students will gain confidence from repeated interactions online and will eventually start participating in class.

  1. Edtech Tools Allow Students to Work at Own Pace

Many Edtech tools, like Learning Management Systems, allow children to work at their own pace. Guided remediation, availability of additional course practice and the option to learn from games and puzzles can enable students to work towards class goals at an individual pace. Additionally, programs which allow kids to track their progress encourage student-led learning.

  1. Answer Review, Before Submission

The ability to review your answers on an online test or assignment can help students slow down and consider their work. Those kids who lack confidence in themselves will feel more able to trust their work with a review. Particularly for children who are nervous to answer in class, the ability to type out their thoughts or ideas before presenting them is appealing. 

Since self-confidence will help your students learn and grow in the classroom, the boost technology can give them is essential. What are some ways your students show confidence with technology? What are other teaching strategies for confidence building? We want to hear your experiences!



0 Replies to “9 Ways That Technology Boosts Student Confidence in the Classroom”

  1. Most of all I like the idea of typing answers. For those children who are too shy to answer in the class, this is the real way out. So it’s pretty simple to increase the engagement to the learning process and to increase the confidence among students.

  2. That’s totally right! When I was studying at high school, we really liked teachers who used technologies in classroom. We were kind of respecting them more than others. Also, in college, I loved typing using my laptop, ’cause it’s faster and more comfortable – all information is in your computer and you’ll never lose it.

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