Second Language: Should My Child Know More Than One?

One of the most common reasons parents choose not to introduce a second language to their child is that it is pointless because they will “never become fluent.” While it’s understandable where this kind of thinking comes from, this reason shouldn’t deter you from immersing your children into other cultures and languages. There are so many benefits to introducing a second language to your little ones that it would be silly not to if we’re being honest. Learning a second language encourages open-mindedness While learning a second language, it is natural to be curious about the cultures of the language’s …

What to Expect: Age 2

This year your older baby will transform into a toddler. They will go from being dependent on you to demanding independence. This year your child will have much slower growth physically compared to the previous year however their mind will grow exponentially. Their play will begin to evolve into imaginative play, and they may become enthusiastic at the presence of other children. Your child will begin to observe you and other adults in their life, mimicking your habits and actions. They may pretend to text or talk on a phone. They may repeat words they hear in conversation or mimic …

The Lasting Impact of the Early Childhood Years

The early years of a child’s life are the most important as they lay the foundation for the remainder of their life. As a young child grows and matures, it is the interactions they have with the adults in their life that dictate their mental growth. Being fed, cuddled, warm and safe have a tremendous impact on the child’s future success and happiness. Positive interactions help form the stepping stones for the brain which allows for greater intelligence and a healthy mind. Negative interactions (i.e. neglect) however can harm the development of the brain as well as emotionally scar a …

5 Tips to Discipline a Toddler

Attempting to discipline a toddler can be a difficult task.  It can be difficult to know how much they truly understand and it is important to stay within the realm of their emotional development. Using a positive discipline method will help children to develop their own self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation, and problem-solving skills.  It is important to remember that punishment and discipline are two different things and punishment does not work. Be kind but firm When you discipline a child, it is important to be kind but firm.  You want to be respectful of his or her feelings and encourage them …

How to Identify Early Signs of Autism

The possibility of their child having an Autism Spectrum Disorder is a concern for many parents. As a child develops they begin to learn social skills, vocabulary and other capabilities which are vital to their communication and growth. A parent’s concern is valid considering that 1 in 45 children between the ages of 1 and 17 are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Not developing certain areas of growth typically begins at a young age. However, it is possible to identify Autism in children as young as six months old. As a baby matures into a toddler, there are often …

9 Ways to Positively Impact Your Kid’s Language Development

Learning to talk is an important milestone in the development of any child. Spoken language allows children to verbalize their emotions and communicate their needs. However, for new parents figuring out how to help their child develop language skills may be a mystery. In this piece, we will discuss the nine ways that you can positively impact your child’s language development. Talk through common Count the steps while walking down the stairs. Ask your child to lift their bottom or turn their body while changing their diaper. Describe what you are doing when you change their clothes. The words attached …

7 Amazing Learning Activities for Toddlers

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When we think of toddlers, many thoughts come to mind. Runny noses, messy hair, picky eating are just some of the traits we relate to this curious age group. Cognitively, there’s so much more than what meets the eye. Fine and gross motor skills are being acquired, and an overall sense of the world and the relationships within it are being developed. So how do we support the amazing evolution of the toddler? Here are 7 great activities to help your toddler learn: Sand table play– Sand play strengthens sensory development and basic science and math skills through scooping, pouring …