Positive Reinforcement is Key Element in Preventative Behavior Management

By Mark MacDonald Some kids always do what they’re supposed to. Others need a nudge every now and then to encourage proper behavior. Both types of students benefit from a system that rewards them for doing the right thing instead of simply punishing them when they mess up. Positive behavior isn’t always automatic. Some students do the right thing on their own. Others need guidance and support. All students benefit from positive recognition for doing the right thing. Research suggests that traditional approaches to school discipline (such as detentions and suspensions) have, at best, only a short-term effect on student …

Attribution Errors in America’s Classrooms

Cause and effect aren’t always clearly and correctly paired in America’s classrooms. Teachers don’t always have the time, energy, or awareness to properly attribute underperformance. Is a disengaged student sleeping at his or her desk being lazy or suffering from lack of sleep? Is disruptive behavior the reflection of student boredom or a cover for not understanding the material? Is a sudden drop in academic performance really indicative of intelligence or simply a need for reading glasses? Are poor test scores more a reflection on the teacher’s failings or a lack of support and encouragement for students at home? Fundamental …