8 Field Trip and School Permission Forms to Make Your Life Easier

Introduction: Field trips are an essential part of the school experience, helping students learn and experience new things beyond the classroom. However, organizing field trips and obtaining necessary permissions can be a hassle for teachers and administrators. To make your life easier, here are eight field trip and school permission forms that will streamline the process. 1. General Field Trip Permission Form: This standard permission form covers basic information like the destination, date and time, transportation details, and emergency contact information. By using a general form, you can save time by having one template for all future field trips. 2. …

What Your Students Really Need to Know About Digital Citizenship

Every student has a right to a high level of digital citizenship. However, many students still do not understand the importance of digital citizenship. This lack of understanding could lead to problems such as cyberbullying, online privacy, and cybercrime. To help students understand the importance of digital citizenship, here are five tips: 1. Understand the difference between digital and offline citizenship. Digital citizenship includes having access to the internet and using digital technologies, such as smartphones and tablets. Offline citizenship includes being able to visit public areas, such as libraries and museums and engaging in public debates. 2. Be digital …

Media Literacy: Everything You Need to Know

The NAMLE (National Association for Media Literacy Education) defines Literacy Education as the capacity to explore, utilize different communication methods. Media literacy is inclusive of actions as subtle as the interpretation of emojis, to being able to grasp the baseline messages passed across in online commercials, creating viral videos, and understanding native advertising. While it appears as though everyone who can access the internet should be able to apply these practical media literacy skills pragmatically, this is not true. Interestingly, a good number of media users are oblivious to how much their actions online can impact others, and aren’t even …

Models and Instruments for Evaluating Digital Readiness and Competence

You may be extremely comfortable using tech, but that does not mean your learners or fellow educators are as tech-savvy as you. As digital tech becomes a part of our everyday lives and embeds itself into the classroom, our school community must provide learners digital readiness and competence.  Why it is Important Digital readiness is the capacity to use digital tools with ease. Digital readiness measures how “ready” or how comfortable an individual is with digital tech.  It can be easy to assume that many people are comfortable using digital tech, but, unfortunately, this is untrue. In fact, Pew Research …

Why Digital (Literacy) Transformation Feels So Difficult

Why do digital transformation and literacy still feel so difficult? After all, we have been incorporating tech in every aspect of our lives. Yet, we still struggle with it.  This can be because of many reasons. Below, we will look at some of the biggest reasons. Hopefully, the process becomes more manageable with knowledge of the reasons.  Trust Issues In the end, we all know that we should be transitioning our process over to a digital format. It is the way of the world; however, there is still quite a bit of distrust in tech.  By embracing this transformation, we …

Education Marketplace Apps, Tools, and Resources That We Love

Are you looking for an education marketplace where educators can purchase apps, tools, and resources that they can use with their students? If so, we have you covered. Check out our list below. Let us know if there are any that we missed. Tabschool – This cloud-based learning management software is designed for educational institutions to help students enhance their performance. Features include learning resources, personalized attention from teachers, a marketplace of courses, learning with classmates, and many more. TabSchool is free and open. TeacherVision – TeacherVision is a one-stop-shop for teacher resources, printables, lesson plans, videos, and more. With …

Turn to Coding and Robotics If You Want Your Students to Possess a Growth Mindset

Diligence, a curious spirit, and perseverance are qualities we desire to see in our students. These traits are elements of the “growth mindset.” Teaching students coding presents one of the best opportunities to develop and nurture kids’ growth mindset in the school setting. This article shows five scenarios to support this position. 1. Students recognize that different paths lead to a favorable outcome. When students embrace coding, they encounter challenges that cause them to get creative and try several approaches to search for a solution. For example, split a class into teams and ask them to program robots to navigate …