Should You Build Training Internally?

In many organizations, the dilemma of whether to build training programs internally or source them from external providers is becoming increasingly prominent. This decision carries significant implications not only for the professional development of employees but also for the financial health and strategic direction of the company. Building training internally offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows for tailor-made solutions that are specifically designed to address the unique challenges and goals of the company. Customized training can be aligned with the organization’s culture, processes, and expectations, leading to more relevant and effective learning experiences for employees. Furthermore, creating training in-house often …

What Happens After I Submit An Article?

After submitting an article, the following steps typically occur: 1. Editorial Review: The submitted article is first reviewed by one or more editors. They check for adherence to the publication guidelines, relevance to the audience, quality of content, and originality. 2. Feedback or Rejection: If there are issues with the submission, editors may give feedback for revision or reject the article outright. 3. Peer Review: For academic or technical publications, articles usually go through a peer review process where experts in the field assess its validity and significance. 4. Revision: Based on feedback from editors and/or peer reviewers, revisions may …

3 Reasons Why Training Needs A Digital Transformation

The landscape of corporate training and development has been significantly reshaped by the advent of digital technologies. Here are three compelling reasons why training needs a digital transformation: 1. Accessibility and Flexibility: Traditional training programs are often limited by geographical location and time. Digital transformation enables employees to access training materials from anywhere at any time, accommodating different time zones and work schedules. This flexibility can lead to a more inclusive learning environment and helps employees juggle their professional development with personal commitments. 2. Enhanced Learning Experience: With digital tools, training can become more interactive and engaging than ever before. …

5 Reasons To Leverage Staff Augmentation For L&D Teams

In today’s fast-paced business environment, Learning and Development (L&D) teams are under constant pressure to deliver effective training programs that align with organizational goals and employee needs. Staff augmentation, an outsourcing strategy which is employed to staff a project and respond to the business objectives, has become a game-changer in this area. Here are 5 reasons why integrating staff augmentation into L&D initiatives can be profoundly beneficial: 1. Access to Specialized Skills: With staff augmentation, L&D teams can bring in professionals with specific skill sets on a per-need basis. This ensures that specialized training modules are handled by experts, vastly …

5 Problems With Self-Directed Learning We Cannot Ignore

Self-directed learning has become a popular education model that empowers learners to take control of their learning process, focusing on autonomy and personalized learning experiences. However, while this approach has many benefits, there are significant challenges that cannot be ignored. 1. Lack of Structure and Guidance: One of the critical issues with self-directed learning is the absence of a structured curriculum guided by experienced educators. Learners can become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of available resources, leading to confusion about where to focus their efforts. 2. Procrastination and Poor Time Management: Without enforced deadlines and schedules, self-directed learners may procrastinate …

Implementing Education Tech by Pursuing Tech Education

Tech is necessary for most great things in our world. It’s a powerful resource when used correctly. As such, this tool can be used to transform learning.  Tech continuously offers more and more avenues of education that recently were not available to us. Therefore, most schools are implementing education tech into their curriculum. Some of these schools find that implementing education tech by pursuing tech education is the best recipe for teaching and learning. Why Education Tech? In the past, we, as educators, were limited by what we could provide in the classroom. If we didn’t have the supplies available, …

Are Education Technology Companies Doing Enough to Secure Learner Privacy?

Learners are using more tech than ever before, but are we putting them at risk? Education technology companies have access to a lot of sensitive info about learners. School districts might not even know how the companies are using this data for their own commercial interests. Parents and educators are responsible for protecting their kids’ data until they become old enough to make those decisions for themselves. There is very little to hold education technology companies accountable to these standards without national guidelines in place.  Privacy Isn’t a Priority  One of the many pressing issues for concerned parents and educators …

Differing Perspectives on Education Technology

Educational tech, or education technology, refers to different tools and equipment used in the classroom to help understand schoolwork better. There are multiple types of education technology tools that have their own purpose and function.  Many educators enjoy incorporating tech into their lessons. However, there are many different opinions when it comes to education technology. In this piece, we will be discussing three different perspectives on education tech.  Education technology Can Be Used to Enhance Learning Education technology is becoming an increasingly popular tool in contemporary schools and classrooms. There is a lot of evidence suggesting that tech can make …