Which Education Technology Tool Should I Choose?

As a teacher, it can be challenging to find reliable information regarding education technology tools since almost every product you find online claims to be backed by research. That’s quite a weak claim since “based on research” can mean just about anything.  Trying to find an education technology tool that will support your lessons and learners is often frustrating and time-consuming. This frustration usually leaves educators feeling dejected, and many end up neglecting their search for valuable education tech tools altogether. We will look at some useful education technology tools and discuss how you can scope out which tools are …

Brain Science and Evidence-Based Research Helps Schools Choose Tech With the Best ROI

Schools and other educational facilities are starting to heavily rely on tech for their teaching needs. Most learners have started studying online, using tech instead of educators for their learning.  With this being said, schools should ensure that they invest in suitable tech to achieve the best ROI (Return On Investment) possible. In other words, they should buy education technology that will achieve the best results in the classroom and provide learners with the most help. They can do this by using brain science and evidence-based research before spending money on any equipment.  Education Technology Education technology is a term …