Benefits Of Web Authoring Tools For Your Company

If you’re like most business owners, you’re probably tired of spending your time on the mundane tasks of running your business. That’s why you need to consider investing in web authoring tools. Web authoring tools make it easy for you to create beautiful, interactive websites that your customers will love. Not only that, but they also make it easy for you to track visitor activity and gather customer feedback. Here are some of the benefits of using web authoring tools: 1. Increased Customer Engagement One of the best things about web authoring tools is that they make it easy for …

Nightmare at Residence Inn Northwest, 3940 Westerre Pkwy, Richmond, VA, 23233

Gather around the campfire, kids and let me tell you about my nightmare at Residence Inn. It contains ghouls and goblins, and even roaches. What you are about to read is a factual account of the experiences that I had while staying at the Residence Inn Northwest, 3940 Westerre Pkwy, Richmond, VA, 23233, from February 7, 2023, to February 13, 2023. I checked into the hotel on February 7, 2023, as my apartment was being renovated because of water and smoke damage, and the insurance company set me up there. Residence Inn has a good name, but the first red …

Developing Your First Edtech MVP

If you decide to become an education technology entrepreneur for the fame and fortune it might bring you, you’re in the wrong business. The many successful ad tech entrepreneurs are innovators who want to solve an existing problem in education. Their focus is on bringing their visions to life. Most tech CEOs have asked themselves the question, “What if my product didn’t exist? Would society be the same without it?” All you have to do is release your minimum viable product as quickly as you can. Below you will find three simple steps that’ll take you there. Stay With the Basics …

The Lean Startup Methodology Edtech Startups Must Adopt

It seems like there are two types of planning styles for educators. The first educator will plan out the entire academic year, beginning at the end and working backward to the first day of school. The second educator flies by the seat of their pants, hoping for instructional inspiration on the way in from the faculty parking lot. Neither planning style is useful if you decide to take your skills to an education technology startup. Certainly, having a plan is important, but you will have to stop planning and start doing it at some point. You will need to explore …

The 5 Challenges of an Education Technology Entrepreneur

Education technology entrepreneurs are optimists, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their share of issues. From getting investors to learning flexibility, the path isn’t easy. Here are five challenges education technology entrepreneurs face, and ways to begin overcoming them.  1. Doing Business in Academia Academia parades to the beat of a different drum than the business world. Even our calendar is different.  Working within the constraints that schools cope with means planning an adoption far before your rollout, establishing a summer professional development schedule and waiting for payment, often not until school budgets open in September. INSTEAD: Change your …

Report: Education Leads Way in IT Service Management Maturity Steps

EdTech spend is driving higher ed IT Leaders to be at the forefront of IT service management (ITSM) maturity, according to a new research paper.  Knowledge Centered Service (KCS) and Self-Service are taking center stage as resource constraints worsen and tech spend continues to rise. The research from HDI, commissioned by TeamDynamix, found that despite resource constraints, education IT staff, along with information technology staffers in government and healthcare continue to lead the way in knowledge management, process controls, and other steps towards what is called “maturity” with respect to IT service management. Each of these industry sectors are affected …

How Edtech Companies Can Avoid Leaving Professors and Students Behind

There is no doubt that higher education technology is big business, growing more and more every single day. When you dig more into this, you will find that most education technology companies are not student/teacher centered. How can this be, when students/teachers are the ones who use this technology every day? The sad truth is that these companies are more concerned with what the administrators and decision-makers think. This leaves the people who use the technology out of the loop entirely. In this article, we will discuss how edtech companies can avoid leaving professors and students behind. How the students/teachers …

How Edtech Companies Can Sell To the International Market

Edtech is a growing market, expected to increase by 17% yearly. However, a significant part of that growth is projected outside the U.S. As international schools begin to accept edtech, the market is becoming friendly for companies. Recent changes in the U.S. market have led to a decline in funding and support for edtech, so embracing international sales will be increasingly important for long term sustainability in the industry. Though the sales trajectory admittedly still needs some work for most edtech companies. Targeting and acquiring international clients comes with different challenges than landing U.S. deals. What research and considerations does …

How EdTech Companies Can Get Their Products Validated

How EdTech Companies Can Get Their Products Validated The EdTech market is growing at a significant rate. According to multiple studies, “The global education technology (EdTech) market will grow 17% per annum to $252bn by 2020.” This is exciting news for the world of education and technology. It means we are rapidly moving students towards becoming global digital citizens. For EdTech companies, it also means customers are making big investments in their products. However, for any EdTech product to be accepted in this competitive marketplace, it must be validated. Customers want to know the product is effective before they purchase …