What Giving up on a Student Says About You

Not every student can be well-behaved or have perfect grades. Sometimes, kids can be frustrating and difficult to handle, which can cause adults to give up on them and stop giving them the support they need. However, as tempting as it is to give up on a student, this is something that you should never do. Giving up on a student shows that you lack the determination and hard work needed to make them successful in school.  Why You Should Never Give Up on a Student Some students need more guidance than others, so it is essential that you do …

Teacher Burnout or Demoralization? What’s the Difference and Why it Matters

A study led by Dr. Ingersoll of the University of Pennsylvania showed the staggering reality of the American education system; 15% of teachers leave the profession every year and 45% of new teachers leave within the first five years. The burning question behind these results is why? When talking with educators, a common discussion topic is the soul-crushing, depressive, and futile nature of the profession. Now, many teachers are lucky enough to be in school districts where they are supported, listened to, valued, and not scapegoated by the administration, parents, and students for items that are not under their control …

How Teachers Can Decide What’s Important, Then Ditch The Rest

Teachers have a student for only 7 hours a day, maybe even less if they teach in a half-day kindergarten program. With so much that needs to be accomplished each day, each month, each school year, it can be challenging to figure out how you will get everything accomplished. The trick is not to let yourself get overwhelmed with all of your tasks. And then you can figure out and plan your time so that you will accomplish what needs to be done. Where to begin? There are many methods and strategies available for teachers to use, it is easy …

How To Get The Teachers We Want

When you break down the success or failure of any educational institution, be it in the edtech or traditional sectors, it all boils down to the cost/effect ratio of the institution’s teaching staff and whether or not those teachers are connecting with and reaching students in such a way which produces the desired results and interactions. Budgets play a massive role in securing and retaining top teaching talent, as an inability to pay a worthwhile wage will drive good teachers away to other institutions who are able or willing to pay them what they are truly worth on the market. …

Reducing the ‘Toxic Stress’ of Starting High School

The transition from middle school to high school is a big step, so most students get overwhelmed and stressed as they go through the process. This can cause them to be less successful at school, and it can cause their grades to drop significantly. So, how do we reduce this stress? What is the ‘Toxic Stress’ of Starting High School? Each student has a different mindset and a different way of handling stress, but it is no secret that the start of freshman year is a rough transition for most high school students. These stress levels can actually be tracked …

Teacher Cover Letter Examples and Writing Advice

If you are looking for a teaching position, you need to understand that a great cover letter can mean the difference from being hired to being unemployed. Your cover letter should highlight your achievements, preparation, your work history, and the personal and professional and personal attributes that make you the right candidate for the job. The objective is to introduce yourself and showcase the qualifications, expertise, and skills that make you the perfect candidate. The objective is to introduce yourself and showcase the skills and qualifications that make you stand out from the other people vying for the position. Regardless …

List of 645+ Bulletin Board Ideas (With How To Videos)

When I started off as a teacher, I hated doing bulletin boards. Why? Because I was not artistically inclined and didn’t see my self as a creative. However, with the help of supportive colleagues, I learned how to make innovative bulletin boards. The bulletin board that I am most proud of was the “I am responsible for my grades” themed one that I created in the Fall of 2007. It simply had the words “I am responsible for my grades” on the top half and 5 mirrors on the bottom half. Of course, I don’t have to explain what the …

Getting Ready for the Age of Experiential Education

As education continues to evolve, experiential education has been on the rise across K-12 schools and higher education. According to the Association for Experiential Education, this type of education is defined as “a teaching philosophy” that informs many methodologies in which educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people’s capacity to contribute to their communities.” In other words, experiential education can be thought of as learning by doing, or incorporating more hands-on work and concrete experiences into the curriculum. Study Abroad One of the most …

How Educators are Make Their Voices Be Heard

Where once we lived in a world where there were stark differences between privatized and public education, we are now shifting into an era of grassroots determination to provide quality education to children in public schools. And part of that upward shift requires giving educators the quality treatment that they deserve, first. Time and again, it seems apparent – underpaid teachers and under-funded schools result in lackluster public education for students because educators fall short when they don’t have the resources they need. And when they don’t have the resources they need, students tend to underperform, making the teachers look …

Why Learning Failure Is Essential (And Unavoidable)

pass or fail

Nobody likes failure. As children, we’re conditioned in school to study hard, pay attention and memorize material to avoid failure at all costs. And, in the evitable instance that failure does occur, we are shamed, punished, or made to feel bad for it. But why, as humans, do we try so hard to avoid something that is literally unavoidable and, moreover, essential to growth, progress, learning, and positive change? The Realities of Failure If it weren’t for failure and its resultant lessons, we would have never learned to walk, talk, or eat on our own. Yet, schools have made failure …