20 Strategies to Use Right Now for Teaching Middle School

Educational Data Systems

Middle school is all about the moment, and when you’ve got a toolkit of strategies to use, you’ll be ready for anything. These twenty strategies will get you started. Instruction Keep a supply of Post-it notes handy. Use them to create impromptu bar graphs, create a “parking lot” for questions, or as notes on which to write answers for an “exit ticket.” Be yourself. Kids will love you if you show that you’re human. Share your excitement. If you’re passionate about what you’re teaching, your students will be excited, too. Allow for choice. Ask your students to do the even …

Empathy-building ideas for your classroom

It’s not always easy to see someone else’s perspective. Anyone who tries to see from another viewpoint has to take into consideration another person’s past experiences and current emotions. Understanding what another person is going through requires empathy, which is a learned characteristic. Recognize types of empathy Psychologists recognize two kinds of empathy, affective and cognitive. Shared emotional response: Laughter, tears, and high-fives are forms of empathetic shared response. When one person experiences an emotion and elicits a response to that emotion, and another person mimics the same shared response, they have exhibited affective empathy. The experience is often visceral …

Can Robotics Teach Problem Solving to Students?

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are essential to success at university and in later life. However, the traditional classroom model has done a poor job of imparting these skills to students. The way children have learned in the classroom for generations has focused on lectures and worksheets. Past generations would depend on group sports, clubs and teenage jobs to impart these vital skills onto students. However, new ideas suggest that robotics may hold the key to teaching problem-solving skills to students. Using robots to teach real-world skills may be a strange concept, but is it worth exploring? We think so …

Should Your Child Repeat Kindergarten?

By the end of their first year of formal schooling, your child should have a solid grasp on a few key concepts. Unfortunately, many parents aren’t always aware of what those benchmarks are at the end of the year. Some children could benefit from having another year to better develop some of these social and academic markers. If you have some hesitation regarding whether your child is truly ready for the next stage of schooling, you will want to know these kindergarten-specific milestones. Independence Most children already have an increasing grasp on independence as they enter into formal schooling. If …

Should Your Child Repeat Kindergarten?

By the end of their first year of formal schooling, your child should have a solid grasp on a few key concepts. Unfortunately, many parents aren’t always aware of what those benchmarks are at the end of the year. Some children could benefit from having another year to better develop some of these social and academic markers. If you have some hesitation regarding whether your child is truly ready for the next stage of schooling, you will want to know these kindergarten-specific milestones. Independence Most children already have an increasing grasp on independence as they enter into formal schooling. If …

5 Major Benefits of Blended Learning

Modern classrooms are slowly taking a new approach to imparting wisdom and knowledge to the upcoming generation. Traditional classroom teaching techniques are giving way to a new system of blended learning. Teachers who are embracing this new classroom style are easily reaping the benefits of having their old methods enhanced with the use of new technology. Overall, it’s the students who will benefit from this unique method of academia. Are you still unconvinced that blended learning is the way of the future? Take a look at these five major benefits of blended learning that are certain to change your mind. …

10 Must-Have Apps for Families

If you are like most families, your schedules are jam-packed. Keeping track of all the needs of your family members is an overwhelming task. Recognizing the constant struggles parents face daily, app makers have created tools to make your family life pleasant. With these apps, your family will be more organized and connected. Cozi Cozi is a top-rated organizational app that can be synced across numerous devices. It keeps track of everyone’s calendars, to-do lists, grocery lists, and more. For example, parents can easily see who is taking which child to which after-school activity. Remember the Milk Remember the Milk …

How to Prepare for a Parent Teacher Conference

A parent teacher conference is a meeting between you (the parent) and your child’s teacher or teachers to discuss your child’s academic progress and behavior. At the meeting, you’ll work with your child’s teacher(s) to find solutions to any academic or behavioral issues. These meetings provide a rare opportunity to talk with your child’s teachers face to face, understand exactly what’s happening at school, and advocate for your child. It’s important to be prepared, and there are several steps you can take to ensure the conference is productive. Get Informed Before the conference, gather information about your child’s performance and …

How to Prepare for a Parent Teacher Conference

A parent teacher conference is a meeting between you (the parent) and your child’s teacher or teachers to discuss your child’s academic progress and behavior. At the meeting, you’ll work with your child’s teacher(s) to find solutions to any academic or behavioral issues. These meetings provide a rare opportunity to talk with your child’s teachers face to face, understand exactly what’s happening at school, and advocate for your child. It’s important to be prepared, and there are several steps you can take to ensure the conference is productive. Get Informed Before the conference, gather information about your child’s performance and …

How Edtech Companies Can Sell To the International Market

Edtech is a growing market, expected to increase by 17% yearly. However, a significant part of that growth is projected outside the U.S. As international schools begin to accept edtech, the market is becoming friendly for companies. Recent changes in the U.S. market have led to a decline in funding and support for edtech, so embracing international sales will be increasingly important for long term sustainability in the industry. Though the sales trajectory admittedly still needs some work for most edtech companies. Targeting and acquiring international clients comes with different challenges than landing U.S. deals. What research and considerations does …