20 Brilliant Gift Ideas For School Support Staff

Introduction: School support staff, such as teachers’ assistants, custodians, and administrative personnel, play a crucial role in the success of the educational system. To show your appreciation for their hard work and dedication, consider these 20 brilliant gift ideas that they’ll cherish. 1. Personalized stationary: A set of notepads or sticky notes customized with the staff member’s name or initials adds a personal touch to their desk. 2. Professional development book: Help them enhance their skills with a best-selling book on education management and support. 3. A high-quality insulated water bottle: Keeping hydrated is essential, and a stylish insulated water …

Here is How I Would Fix Gifted Education

Gifted education, a system designed to cater to the needs of learners with exceptionally high potential, requires meticulous attention to ensure that these students are not just accommodated but actively challenged and nurtured. Here is how I would address the current shortcomings and work towards fixing gifted education: Firstly, it’s crucial to foster an environment of inclusivity within gifted programs. Often, gifted education tends to misidentify or overlook students from diverse backgrounds due to biased assessment practices. By adopting culturally responsive evaluation methods and teacher training, we can ensure a more equitable representation of all student demographics in gifted programs. …

Schools for Gifted Students: What to Know

Introduction For students who display exceptional intellectual or creative abilities, gifted schools can offer a stimulating environment that caters to their unique needs. In these specialized institutions, gifted students can explore their interests and abilities, engage with like-minded peers and be guided by experienced teachers. This article will look at what defines a school for gifted students, the benefits of attending such a school and important factors to consider when selecting the right institution. Defining Schools for Gifted Students Schools for gifted students are educational institutions designed specifically to cater to the needs of students who demonstrate outstanding intellectual, creative …

What Impact Did COVID Have on Gifted Education?

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on all aspects of society, but for students in special education, the effects have been particularly pronounced. This article aims to explore the various ways in which special education was impacted by the pandemic and provides insights into potential long-term consequences for this community. Challenges Faced by Students and Educators 1. Remote learning difficulties: The abrupt transition to online learning highlighted the unique challenges of engaging special education students who often require differentiated instruction, one-on-one assistance, and specialized materials. Virtual environments simply couldn’t replicate many of these essential components effectively. 2. …

Giftedness: Everything You Need to Know

This refers to a person whose IQ is above average, usually above 130. It also refers to people who perform certain tasks or activities above the average expected level. In other words, gifted students perform or have the ability to perform at higher levels than others belonging to the same age group, having the same experience, or coming from the same environment.  Since these gifted students outshine their peers in their ability to think, reason, and conclude, they need special educational services and support to realize and develop their full potential and talents. Unusually, identification of giftedness is done through …

How to Reform Gifted Education

Gifted children are those who demonstrate exceptional potential in one or more areas of intelligence, such as academics, arts, athletics or leadership. Such children have advanced cognitive development and learning abilities compared to their peers. Gifted education programs in schools are designed to support these students and enhance their academic, social and emotional development. Unfortunately, gifted education programs in many schools are inadequate or non-existent, resulting in many gifted students becoming bored, disengaged, and underachieving. To reform gifted education, we need to address the following key issues: 1. Identification of giftedness: The identification of giftedness is often a controversial and …

Twice-Exceptional: What Does it Mean?

To be twice-exceptional is to be exceptionally gifted in some academic aspects while being below average compared to peers in other aspects. As a matter of fact, such a child could qualify to simultaneously enter into the gifted and special education programs. Similar to other gifted learners, twice-exceptional students are talented and highly knowledgeable in at least one specific domain. However, their disabilities often overshadow their giftedness, or these students might be able to hide or mask their learning deficits by utilizing their talents to compensate. Sometimes, the special education needs of a twice-exceptional student aren’t identified until adolescence or …

A Guide to Talent Search Programs

The Talent Search Initiative has as its aim; the identification of high-performing students by organizing specific tests. Different avenues are then provided for these students to channel their abilities into rigorous post-school activities. Different entities can apply for a grant from the Talent Search program – IHEs, secondary schools, private or public organizations or agencies, which include community-based organizations that have experience catering to disadvantaged youths, or a combination of the organization’s agencies and institutions. There are some compulsory services that must be provided using the grant received from the program. These include: ·Connecting participants to excellent academic tutoring services …

Homogeneous Grouping: What You Need to Know

This term refers to the grouping of students by mental capability, aptitude, or hobbies. For instance, gifted students are placed in one group, and students with special needs or deemed at risk are placed in another. Here, the ability levels of students are generally determined by teacher observations and assessments. While there might be varying abilities in a single classroom, it is more restricted compared to the range we can find in a heterogeneous classroom. In homogeneous grouping, students get the opportunity to work on materials that are ideal for their specific strengths and areas for development. In homogeneous grouping, …

Cluster Grouping: What You Need to Know

This term describes a manner of classifying gifted students to place them in properly segmented classrooms. For example, about five to seven extremely bright pupils with comparable skill levels make up a cluster, and this cluster is then taught together in a classroom. When grouped in a cluster, gifted students learn better as teachers tailor their teachings specifically to each cluster.   Teachers of these students must have some special training. For instance, they need to be able to identify and foster ‘gifted’ behaviors, allow gifted students to demonstrate already-existing mastery of concepts, incorporate the passionate interests of these students into …