What Culture Day Gets Wrong

Culture Day, celebrated in many places around the world, is a day dedicated to honoring and showcasing the richness of various cultural backgrounds. While the idea of embracing culture and diversity is undeniably beneficial, there are certain aspects that Culture Day may inadvertently get wrong. In this article, we will explore some of these shortcomings and discuss ways in which we can address them to make Culture Day a more inclusive and meaningful event for everyone. 1. Stereotyping and Simplifying Cultures One of the primary issues with Culture Day is that it often reduces complex cultures to a handful of …

A Template For School Leaders Concerned With Ensuring School Data Safety

From the moment your students wake up, they are most likely to be found online, even on the bus ride to school in the morning. This behavior extends even into school hours, especially if your school runs a one-to-one program. You’re not even safe if you don’t have one-to-one programs; they have discovered ways of staying connected in no cell phone areas. At any moment on a school day, during or after school hours, students and staff members spend a significant amount of time exchanging messages, refreshing their emails, accessing the LMS to submit, and evaluate students’ assignments while executing …