Google Cloud Fundamentals ForAWS Professionals

As cloud computing continues to transform the tech landscape, IT professionals are increasingly required to be proficient in various cloud platforms. For AWS professionals looking to expand their expertise, understanding Google Cloud (GCP) fundamentals is crucial. GCP and AWS are leading cloud service providers with certain fundamental similarities but also key distinctions that necessitate a deeper dive for adequate mastery. Embracing GCP means recognizing its distinct resource hierarchy and identity management models. Unlike AWS’s reliance on accounts for resource isolation, GCP uses projects as the primary organizational unit, and resources within these projects are managed with IAM policies – much …

How I Use Google Forms for Formative Feedback

Introduction As both an educator and a lifelong learner, I have always been fascinated by the potential of technology to enhance the learning process. One product that has consistently stood out to me in this regard is Google Forms. At its core, Google Forms is a simple and intuitive tool for creating customizable surveys, quizzes, and questionnaires. However, in my experience as a teacher, I have found it to be an invaluable resource for formative feedback—a key means of improving student learning. Why Formative Feedback Matters Formative feedback plays a critical role in helping students understand their strengths and areas …

8 Basic Google Sheets Tips Every Teacher Should Know About

Google provides a lot of useful programs for teachers, but not everyone understands just how to use them. There are a lot of hidden features available for teachers, particularly when it comes to Google Sheets. Understanding how to use these features and apply them in the classroom is essential to help you create better documents in less time. To get you started, here are eight of the most basic Google Sheets tips that every teacher should know about. Add a Line Break While editing a cell, you can insert a line break to help organize your text better. All you …

Why Education Leaders Love Google’s Purchasing Process

Here’s an insider secret you may not realize about school district leadership: most of them despise the antiquated paperwork process required for purchasing anything — whether it’s a stapler, a school bus or an edtech product. The purchasing process is cumbersome and slow, sometimes taking weeks or longer for approval. A buyer acting on behalf of a school or the district must fill out a purchase order, sign it and send it to a supervisor for approval. Teachers need their principal’s authorization, and principals need district leadership endorsement. Large items may require school board support. Once approved, the signed purchase …

10 Ways to Use Google in Your Classroom

If all you’ve ever used Google for is email and web searches, there’s a whole world in which you’re missing out. That world is the Google Suite, consisting of a cloud computing compendium that puts all of your instructional tools in one easily accessed location. So what can you do with Google in your classroom? As it turns out, Google offers a lot. Check out the list of ten ways use Google in the classroom:  Collaborate with the teachers on your team, in your building and across the district by sharing folders in Google Drive. Differentiate instruction by creating folders …

Using Google Cardboard to Simulate Virtual Learning Experiences

The reason that many teachers strive for a more virtual experience instead of the traditional talking points is that the interaction makes the lesson more memorable to the students. Concepts and ideas that seem too complicated under time-honored instruction methods are easier to grasp when the students can experience the lessons. This does not mean that you need a VR machine to create a virtual experience either. There are a number of tools that can help you establish a virtual environment that makes lessons more entertaining while making the concepts easier to understand. One of the biggest problems with edtech …