A root is a word or part of a word from which other words grow, typically through the addition of prefixes and suffixes. By understanding root words, you can decipher strange words, expand your vocabulary, and become a better English speaker.
Greek Root Words
The table below defines and demonstrates common Greek roots words.
Root | Meaning | Examples |
anti | against | antibacterial, antidote, antithesis |
ast(er) | star | asteroid, astronomy, astronaut |
auto | self | automatic, automate, autobiograph |
biblio | book | bibliography, bibliophile |
bio | life | biography, biology, biodegradable |
chrome | color | monochromatic, phytochrome |
chrono | time | chronic, synchronize, chronicle |
dyna | power | dynasty, dynamic, dynamite |
geo | earth | geography, geology, geometry |
gno | to know | agnostic, acknowledge |
graph | write | autograph, graphic, demographic |
hydr | water | dehydrate, hydrant, hydropower |
kinesis | movement | kinetic, photokinesis |
log | thought | logic, apologize, analogy |
logos | word, study | astrology, biology, theologian |
narc | sleep | narcotic, narcolepsy |
path | feel | empathy, pathetic, apathy |
phil | love | philosophy, bibliophile, philanthropy |
phon | sound | microphone, phonograph, telephone |
photo | light | photograph, photocopy, photon |
schem | plan | scheme, schematic |
syn | together, with | synthetic, photosynthesis |
tele | far | telescope, telepathy, television |
tropos | turning | heliotrope, tropical |
Latin Root Words
The table below defines and illustrates 25 of the most common Latin roots.
Root | Meaning | Examples |
ab | to move away | abstract, abstain, aversion |
acer, acri | bitter | acrid, acrimony, exacerbate |
aqu | water | aquarium, aquatic, aqualung |
audi | hear | audible, audience, auditorium |
bene | good | benefit, benign, benefactor |
brev | short | abbreviate, brief |
circ | round | circus, circulate |
dict | say | dictate, edict, dictionary |
doc | teach | document, docile, doctrinal |
duc | lead, make | deduce, produce, educate |
fund | bottom | founder, foundation, funding |
gen | to birth | gene, generate, generous |
hab | to have | ability, exhibit, inhabit |
jur | law | jury, justice, justify |
lev | to lift | levitate, elevate, leverage |
luc, lum | light | lucid, illuminate, translucent |
manu | hand | manual, manicure, manipulate |
mis, mit | send | missile, transmit, permit |
omni | all | omnivorous, omnipotent, omniscent |
pac | peace | pacify, pacific, pacifist |
port | carry | export, import, important |
quit | silent, restive | tranquil, requiem, acquit |
scrib, script | to write | script, proscribe, describe |
sens | to feel | sensitive, sentient, resent |
terr | earth | terrain, territory, extraterrestrial |
tim | to fear | timid, timorous |
vac | empty | vacuum, vacate, evacuate |
vid, vis | to see | video, vivid, invisible |