Why Do You Need An Instructional Design Degree?

With the continuous evolvement of educational methods and the growing need for effective learning solutions, an instructional design degree becomes ever so essential. But why exactly is this degree so important? Here are a few reasons: Specialized Knowledge: An instructional design degree equips individuals with specialized knowledge necessary for the creation of effective and efficient educational experiences. It covers cognitive psychology, educational pedagogy, curriculum development, and assessment strategies which are crucial to understanding how people learn. Technological Expertise: This degree provides insight into the latest learning technologies and how to apply them effectively. In our digital age, understanding these tools …

What Are The Best Practices When Developing Training Videos?

Developing training videos is an exceptional way to create scalable and repeatable educational processes. Whether for corporate training, online education, or specific instructional content, following best practices in the creation of these videos can vastly improve the learning experience. Here are some of the best practices to consider when developing training videos. Understand Your Audience Before you start crafting your video, it’s essential to know who your audience is. Understanding the audience’s knowledge level, interests, and learning goals can help tailor the content to their needs. Set Learning Objectives Clearly defined learning objectives should guide the development of your training …

How to Use Blooket to Play Online Games With Your Students

Introduction: Blooket is an engaging online platform that allows educators to create custom games and quizzes for their students. Incorporating Blooket into your teaching can be a fun and interactive way to review course material, energize your classes, and help students retain information more effectively. In this article, we will explore the steps to use Blooket to play online games with your students. Step 1: Register and sign in Before you can start creating games for your students, you will need to visit the Blooket website (www.blooket.com) and sign up for a free account. Simply click on “Sign Up,” enter …

Selecting Instructional Strategies That Students Can Master

Instructional strategies are an important tool for teachers in guiding student learning. However, not all strategies are created equal, and selecting the right strategies for your students can make a big difference in their mastery of the material. To help your students succeed, it’s important to consider their individual learning needs and choose strategies to help them master the content effectively. One key factor to consider when selecting instructional strategies is student learning styles. Students have different ways of processing information and retaining what they have learned. For example, some students are visual learners and respond best to visual aids …

 5 Instructional Design Principles You Can’t Do Without

Instructional design is an important aspect of any design process. However, there are certain principles that are essential to any good instructional design process. Here are five such principles: 1. Clear and concise communication: The user should be able to understand the instructions quickly and easily. 2. Attention to detail: The instructions should be clear and concise, including all relevant information. 3. Appropriate use of visuals: Visuals should be used to help explain the instructions. 4. Feedback and reinforcement: The user should be given feedback and reinforcement as needed to ensure understanding. 5. Modularity: Instructions should be modular, so that …