How Do I Get a Job at an International School

Introduction: Securing a job at an international school can be a rewarding and life-changing experience. It offers the opportunity to broaden your professional horizons, interact with diverse cultures, and potentially earn a competitive salary. If you’re considering taking the plunge into international education, follow these steps to increase your chances of landing that dream job. 1. Research International Schools: Begin by investigating different international schools worldwide. Look for information on their missions, values, curricula, and accreditations. Dive deep into their websites, social media platforms, and online expat forums to understand the schools’ reputations. Pay attention to school sizes, locations, and …

How Music Primes the Brain for Learning

Music has been an integral part of human culture for centuries, and research has shown that it can profoundly affect the brain. In addition, studies have found that music can prime the brain for learning, making it an effective tool for students, teachers, and lifelong learners. Based on a study, music has been shown to directly impact mood and motivation. For example, listening to upbeat music can boost energy levels and increase learning motivation, while slower and more calming music can help reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, certain types of music, such as classical music, can help improve attention and …

5-Minute Film Festival: Videos on Kindness, Empathy, and Connection

The 5-Minute Film Festival is a series of short films that explore kindness, empathy, and connection. The films are all under five minutes long and aim to illustrate how these concepts can be applied in everyday life. The 5-Minute Film Festival is an organization dedicated to showcasing short films that explore kindness, empathy, and connection. The films are all under five minutes long and aim to illustrate how these concepts can be applied in everyday life. The goal of the festival is to promote these concepts through the power of film and to spark conversation around them. The 5-Minute Film …

Smart Budgeting Tips for International Students in America

As an international student in America, managing finances can be challenging. With the high cost of living in the United States, it’s crucial to budget wisely to avoid financial issues. From housing and food to tuition fees and transportation, there are many expenses that international students need to take into account. That said, here are some smart budgeting tips for international students in America. 1. Set a realistic budget The first step to smart budgeting is to create a realistic budget that covers all your expenses. Start by recording all your income, including any scholarships, student loans, and income from …

The Opportunities in Teaching Abroad

As education becomes more globalized, teaching abroad has become an increasingly viable and appealing career option for many educators. The allure of teaching abroad is evident in the number of teachers who choose to do so each year. For those considering a career in education, there are many opportunities available for teaching abroad, and in this article, we will explore some of the benefits and opportunities that exist in this field. One of the obvious benefits of teaching abroad is the opportunity to experience another culture. For many people, teaching abroad is a chance to immerse themselves in a new …

PISA (The Program for International Student Assessment): Everything You Need to Know

This program assesses 15-year-old students schooling in countries that form part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.  The evaluated skills include science, math, and reading. Some critiques believe that when the federal government is more immersed in the nation’s school system, there will be an upsurge in education quality and a resultant increase in students’ educational success in the United States. Initiated by the OECD, an intergovernmental economic organization, the PISA is a study performed to generate comparable data on education outcomes and policies across countries. The study began in 2000 with the objective of assessing the inclusivity …

So You Want to Attend Graduate School: The 411 on Grad School Admissions Tests

Applying for admission to professional and graduate schools is no less competitive than college/undergraduate admissions. If you’re planning to pursue a degree in business, law, medicine, or graduate studies, you can bet that one of the essential requirements would be to take a standardized exam. Although school records and grades from your undergraduate studies will be considered, you might be wondering why your diploma and college transcript might not be enough. This is because your aptitude for learning needs to be compared against the applicants from all over the country and abroad. Examples of Standardized Exams Each type of program …

Have Weighted Grades Outlived Their Usefulness?

The foundational rationale for weighted grades is that the practice provides an incentive for learners to challenge themselves academically. By placing greater value on grades earned in more challenging classes, weighted grades remove a potential disincentive posed by tougher classes—i.e., learners worrying that a lower grade in a tougher class might adversely affect their GPA class rank. Advocates argue that weighted grades deservedly reward learners who take tougher classes, identify higher levels of educational accomplishment, and provide a more fair or balanced system of grading in schools with several educational tracks. Even with all of its benefits, weighted grades do …

Using Choral Responses as a Tool for Teaching Multilingual Learners

Choral responses are a  tool for teaching a different language to a class. Choral responses are the oral response to a prompt. In the classroom setting, you might hear a teacher saying phrases like “repeat after me” or “say it with me.” These prompts encourage all students to respond together at the same time. Benefits of Using Choral Response One of the benefits of using choral responses is that it provides an opportunity to practice a different language. The learning of a language is enhanced by practicing. Students become comfortable saying words and expressions, which builds their confidence in speaking …

How male teachers can help to challenge gender roles in nursery school education

This article was written by Jo Warin Recent figures show that there is still a large gender gap in recruitment to the teaching profession – only 38% of secondary school teachers are male, and 26% in primaries. In preschools – or nursery – it’s even worse. Here, men make up just 2% of the workforce. This gender divide can be found all across the globe, and not just in the UK. We even see it in Scandinavian countries which have made gender equality a national priority. In Norway, for example, there has been an ambitious target set to try and have …