Should Parents Be Held Responsible for School Shootings?

Parents play a crucial role in the upbringing of their children, instilling values, teaching right from wrong, and ideally setting boundaries that contribute to the development of responsible young adults. However, when tragedies such as school shootings occur, the question arises: should parents be held responsible for these horrific acts carried out by their children? The notion of parental responsibility in the context of school shootings is not without precedent. In some jurisdictions, for example, there are Child Access Prevention (CAP) laws that hold gun owners accountable if a child gains inappropriate access to a firearm resulting in harm or …

Here is How I Would Fix K-12 Education

K-12 education is the foundation of a child’s intellectual and social development, and it lays the groundwork for their future success. As an essential aspect of society’s well-being, its constant improvement should be a priority. Here is how I would fix K-12 education to both address current challenges and prepare students for the ever-evolving future. Firstly, I would emphasize equal access to quality education. Every child, regardless of their socioeconomic background or geographic location, deserves access to excellent teachers, resources, and facilities. To achieve this, I would advocate for increased funding in under-resourced schools and support policies that promote equal …

7 Fun & Free Resources From EVERFI for Grades K-12

Introduction: Teachers and parents are always looking for valuable educational resources to help their students and children reach their full potential. One organization that truly understands this need is EVERFI. Dedicated to delivering innovative, engaging, and free online resources, EVERFI’s platform is designed for students in grades K-12. In this article, we will explore seven fun and interactive resources provided by EVERFI. 1. Vault – Understanding Money (Grades 4-6) vault is a comprehensive financial literacy program that teaches essential money management skills to students in grades 4-6. The modules focus on budgeting, saving, responsible spending, and more! Using interactive games …

21 Strategies to Help Students Who Cannot Finish Sentences or Express Complete Thoughts When Writing

Are you looking for strategies to help students who cannot finish sentences or express complete thoughts when writing? If so, keep reading. 1. Embody writing in finished sentences or thoughts in legible handwriting for the learner to mimic. 2. After the learner proofreads their written work, have them explain why specific sentences do or do not express finished thoughts. 3. Assess whether the learner uses finished sentences or expresses finished thoughts when speaking. Proficiency in spoken language typically precedes and influences the type of language used in written work. 4. Ask questions that encourage language. Refrain from those that can …

18 Strategies to Help Students Who Mangle Words or Sounds While Speaking

Are you looking for strategies to help students who mangle words or sounds while speaking? If so, keep reading. 1. Get the learner’s hearing reviewed if it has not been recently reviewed. 2. Ensure that the learner can hear the difference between words as they should be pronounced and the way words sound when incorrectly pronounced (sounds distorted). 3. Get the learner to raise or clap hands when they hear the target sound pronounced during a sequence of isolated sound pronunciations (e.g., Isl, /sh/,/r/, /m/, Ir/, It/, /Id, Ir/, /zl, lwl, /n/, /r/, etc.). 4. Utilize a puppet to pronounce …

17 Strategies to Help Students Who Use Improper Verb Tenses While Speaking

Are you looking for strategies to help students who use improper verb tenses wile speaking? If so, keep reading. 1. After recording the learner’s speech, have them find the incorrect verb tenses and make appropriate corrections. 2. Ascertain the type of grammatical model to which the learner is exposed at home. Without placing negative connotations on the parents’ grammatical style, explain the difference between standard and nonstandard grammar. 3. Get the learner to choose a verb to master. As the learner masters the correct use of the verb, they put it on a list with a star and select another …

28 Ways to Ensure That You and Your Students Are on the Same Page

Are you looking for ways to ensure that you and your students are on the same page? If so, keep reading. 1. Make it pleasant and positive for the learner to ask questions about things not grasped. Praise the learner by assisting, congratulating, etc. 2. Minimize distractions to enable the learner’s capacity and ability to listen and follow instructions. 3. Make instructions important to the learner. Attempt to relate instructions to past experiences. 4. Praise the learner for answering oral questions and instructions without requiring frequent repetition: (a) give the learner a concrete reward (e.g., privileges such as leading the …

26 Strategies to Help Students Who Do Not Understand Instructions and Directions

Are you looking for strategies to help students who do not understand instructions and directions? If so, keep reading. 1. Play games that teach listening skills. 2. Provide instructions in a compassionate rather than a menacing manner (e.g., “Please listen to the instructions,” rather than, “You had better listen!”). 3. Converse with the learner before going into a school assembly or cooperative learning experience and remind the learner of the importance of listening to and following instructions. 4. Get the learner to question any directions, explanations, and instructions they do not understand. 5. Provide all instructions, questions, and explanations in …

14 Strategies to Help Students Improve Their Critical Thinking Skills

Are you looking for strategies to help students improve their critical thinking skills? If so, keep reading. 1. Provide the learner duties that require logical thinking (e.g., designate the learner to water plants and give a watering can and a glass, telling the learner to use the most appropriate container, etc.). 2. Every day, give the learner problem-solving situations that require logical thinking (e.g., “A stranger takes you by the arm in a department store. What do you do?” “You see smoke coming out of a neighbor’s house and no one is home. What do you do?” etc.). 3. Make …

21 Strategies to Help Students Sharpen Their Organizational Skills

Are you looking for strategies to help you sharpen your students organizational skills?  If so, keep reading. Demonstrate organization and appropriate use of learning materials (e.g., putting learning materials away before retrieving others, having a space for all learning materials, keeping an organized desk area, following the daily schedule, etc.). Let logical consequences happen (e.g., work not done during work time must be made up during leisure time, learning materials not maintained will be lost) because of the learner’s failure to organize or use learning materials appropriately. Let the student finish a learning experience unless it is troublesome to the …