The A-Z of Education Blogs: The Letter C

In this multi-part series, we are profiling the best of the best education blogs, in alphabetical order. In the previous article, I introduced letters A-B and in this one, I will discuss the letter C. Click here to access all of the articles in this series. Catlin Tucker This blog offers a candid exploration of different solutions for blended learning. Recent offerings explore the pros and cons of co-teaching. Score: Activity 19, Originality 22, Helpfulness 20.5, Authority 22 Total Score: 83.5 Twitter: @Catlin_Tucker Campus Grotto A great blog for students and educators, this site provides a lot of information on …

Empowering Students: The 5E Model Explained

When choosing an instructional model, teachers seek strategies that help students gain a complete understanding of new concepts. They aim to engage students, motivate them to learn, and guide them toward skill development. One of the ways to do that is by incorporating inquiry-based approaches like the 5E Model, which is grounded in active learning. Research suggests that there is a set order of events that facilitates learning, known as a learning cycle. Educators J. Myron Atkin and Robert Karplus argued in 1962 that effective learning cycles involve three key elements: exploration, term introduction, and concept application. “In their scheme, …

The A-Z of Education Blogs: Letters A-B

Staying abreast of the constant changes in education is almost a full-time job on it’s on! That’s why subscribing to a few good education blogs is a convenient and time-saving way to remain knowledgeable about this constantly evolving landscape. Click here to access all of the articles in this series. Education blogs exist for almost every purpose you can imagine. There are blogs dedicated to edtech, higher education, early childhood education, the teaching of math, reading, science and virtually any other discipline that you can think of. There are blogs about coding and blogs about blogging, geared towards every grade …

What Preschool Can Teach Us About Choice and Opportunity

There is a pantheon of sitcom cliches that, no matter how many times they’ve been done before, always turn up in new ones. Among the repeat offenders: outrageously stressful wedding planning, pregnancy and baby delivery hi-jinks, new parents shopping for the “perfect” preschool, arguments over dolls vs footballs, and how these early childhood influences will determine the baby’s entire future from school choice to occupation and social status. The sad reality is that the last two of these absurd situations have a kernel of truth. Does getting into the right preschool really determine whether a given child will go to …

The Cautionary Tale of Story

  Teachers have been telling stories for as long as teachers have taught others. Students are still learning from the stories of our greatest teachers thousands of years later like Plato, Confucius, and Jesus, as examples. But that makes story sound like a classic “old school” pedagogical method, and that is not the characterization I think we should promote. Narrative is our primary tool for understanding the world around us, and it is a fundamental tool in our ability to processes information. Yet despite our cultural belief in the importance of story as a teaching tool we really don’t use …

The Edvocate’s List of 20 Must-Follow K-12 Education Twitter Feeds

*The Edvocate is pleased to produce its “Best of the Best” resource lists. These lists provide our readers with rankings for education-related blogs, twitter accounts, influencers, products, etc. These lists are meant to be fluid, and for that reason, they are regularly updated to provide up to the moment information.* The formative years can be a challenge for teachers, and it does not get any easier as students become increasingly independent. Sometimes it is good to hear about other teachers’ trying experiences because it can help put your day into perspective. Some days you are simply too tired to do …