Who Is The Winner: Language Learning Or Language Acquisition?

Language learning and language acquisition are both crucial mechanisms through which we gain knowledge of languages. However, they’re often discussed in terms of their effectiveness or superiority. So, who is the winner between the two? Language learning is the conscious effort to learn a language through formal education. It’s typically what happens within a classroom setting where grammar rules, vocabulary, and syntax are taught overtly. Language learners rely on textbooks, exercises, exams, and direct instruction. This approach is methodical, structured and enables learners to acquire an explicit understanding of a language. On the other hand, language acquisition refers to the …

It’s Not Uncommon for Schools to Have Dozens of Home Languages: Embracing Linguistic Diversity in the Educational System

In today’s increasingly globalized world, linguistic diversity has become the norm rather than the exception. This trend is especially evident in schools, where it is not uncommon to have dozens of home languages represented among the student population. As our classrooms become more multicultural and multilingual, embracing this linguistic diversity is crucial for creating an inclusive and effective learning environment. The benefits of linguistic diversity in schools are numerous. First and foremost, it fosters an appreciation for different cultures, encouraging students to develop a global mindset and respect for one another’s backgrounds. Learning about different languages and cultures can also …

FREE Google Form: Communication Survey for ELL Families – Enhancing Communication and Collaboration

Introduction: Effective communication is crucial in the education sector, especially for teachers and administration. It involves understanding the needs of students and parents from different backgrounds to ensure a supportive educational environment. With the increasing number of English Language Learners (ELL) families in schools, facilitating smooth communication becomes an essential aspect to bridge the gap between language barriers. One such innovative technology that can help schools achieve this goal is the FREE Google Form: Communication Survey for ELL families. Understanding ELL Families: English Language Learners are students whose first language is not English, and they often require assistance, resources, and …

Reddit Teachers Unveil Hilarious Student Typos

Introduction: Typographical errors have always been a part and parcel of human communication, but when it comes to student writing, the results can range from amusing to downright hilarious. A thread on Reddit recently gained traction as teachers started sharing the funniest typos they’ve encountered in their students’ work. Get ready to laugh and maybe even sympathize as we take you through some of these entertaining writing mishaps. Funny Typos from History Essays: 1. One teacher encountered a student who wrote about “World War Eleven” instead of World War II. The typo certainly took their essay to an entirely new …

Quotes About Language Learning – Free Posters for the Classroom

Introduction: Language learning is an exciting and rewarding journey that opens up new horizons, cultures, and perspectives. Throughout the centuries, scholars, linguists, writers, and educators have shared profound insights on the power of language and the importance of learning them. In this article, we have gathered a collection of inspiring quotes about language learning to spark motivation in your students and provide free posters to brighten up your classroom. 1. Quote: “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” – Frank Smith Discussion: This quote emphasizes the opportunities that learning a …

Your Language Arts Block is the Best Time to Teach SEL

The importance of social-emotional learning (SEL) in today’s educational landscape cannot be overstated. While many teachers and schools rightfully prioritize academics, it’s essential not to neglect our students’ mental well-being and interpersonal skills. One way to integrate SEL into the daily classroom routine is during language arts block. Here are ten innovative ideas to incorporate social-emotional learning into your language arts curriculum: 1. Reading Corner Reflections: Set up a reading corner in your classroom where students can engage with books dealing with various emotions, relationships, and experiences. After reading, ask them to share their thoughts and feelings, fostering empathy and …

Teach Your Students How to Write a Friendly Letter with This Free Kit

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the art of writing friendly letters may seem old-fashioned, but it is still an essential skill that students should master. A friendly letter not only encourages genuine communication with friends and family but also aids in developing language, grammar, and creative skills among students. Our free kit will provide you with everything you need to help your students write a flawless and heartfelt friendly letter. Why Teach Friendly Letters? In our increasingly technology-driven society, it’s crucial to preserve and promote compassionate communication. In addition to fostering relationships, teaching students how to write a friendly letter …

What are Suprasegmentals?

These are also known as prosody and can function linguistically to alter the meaning of a word or a phrase. They can also function as a paralinguistic to adjust or strengthen what the spoken information is trying to imply. This could be by expressing emotion. Some suprasegmentals are stress, rhythm, pitch, loudness, duration, and intonation. Often, suprasegmentals are considered the “musical” facets of speech. Suprasegmentals play a crucial role in indicating all types of meanings, especially speakers’ stances or attitudes regarding what they’re saying or the individual they’re saying it to. They also show how one utterance is related to …

What are Vowels and Diphthongs?

pass or fail

Vowels are letters of the alphabet that produce one single sound. There are five of them – [a], [e], [i], [o], [u]. Diphthongs typically produce two vowel sounds in one syllable. In other words, they’re the result of the pairing of two pure vowels. This is why they aren’t included on the IPA charts. It’s vital to note that the close blend of the two vowels makes vowel lose its pure quality. There’s some debate about the number of diphthongs in American English. While some say it’s eight, others believe it’s ten. According to some reliable sources, the eight primary …

What is Two-Way Bilingual Education?

pass or fail

This is a system of teaching that makes use of two language models. Students are typically taught in English and an additional language. In two-way bilingual education programs, learners develop dual language proficiency by obtaining instruction in another language and English in a classroom that generally comprises half native speakers of a target language and half naïve speakers of English.  While Spanish is presently the most popular target language in these programs, several programs support learning through French, Russian, Japanese, Korean, and Portuguese. These programs provide both groups of learners with enough exposure to the two languages, helping them progress …