Building Community With Friendly Fridays

Friendly Fridays is a community-building initiative that brings people together for social events on the last Friday of every month. Friendly Fridays aim to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where people from all walks of life can come together, make new friends, and connect with their community. The concept of Friendly Fridays is simple. A social event is held in a community space on the last Friday of each month. This can be a park, a community center, or any other location easily accessible to everyone. The events are free and open to anyone who wants to attend. The …

The Edvocate’s 2018 EdTech 20: A Ranking of 20 Global Edtech Influencers

Who are the biggest edtech influencers in the world? The Edvocate editorial team has exhaustively researched the movers and shakers of edtech and selected 20 global influencers. To frame our methodology, we decided to define edtech influencer broadly. On this list, you will find administrators, bloggers, journalists, policymakers, researchers, innovators, businessmen, activists, etc. who are transforming the edtech space as we know it. The influencers that we chose are all active in the area of edtech, doing something influential in 2018, well-known throughout the edtech landscape, and making an impact globally. We are excited to witness how these influencers continue …

18 Reasons the U.S. Education System is Failing

Once upon a time, enthusiasts designed a formal education system to meet the economic demands of the industrial revolution. Fast forward to today and, with the current global economic climate, it seems apparent that the now established education system is unable to meet the needs of our hyper-connected society – a society that is in a constant state of evolution. Let’s examine 18 problems that prevent the US education system from regaining its former preeminence. Check out ExamSnap for all your exam needs.   Parents are not involved enough. Of all the things out of the control of teachers, this …

7 Educational Technology Concepts Every Teacher Should Know About

Since the Information Era began some decades ago, it has dramatically changed the way we educate our children. We live in a world of rapid change and the resemblance to yesterday is fleeting. Above all, communication has changed, and an enormous variety of information is now accessible to almost everyone at the click of a mouse or swipe of a finger. We have seen a lot of advancement in education technology designed for the classroom, and to be effective, teachers need to stay abreast of these new technologies and concepts. The summer is the perfect time for teachers to receive …

4 Random Facts You Didn’t Know About Community College

Ever since their inception, community colleges have been viewed as the step children of higher education. Sure, anyone with a brain knows the important role that they play in America. However, many people can’t see past their perceived lack of “prestige” or “swagger” if you will. Yet without much acclaim or fanfare, they continue to be the backbone of America’s higher education system. Here are four facts you might not have known that will change your perception of these schools. Obama proposed free community college tuition in his State of the Union address this year. President Obama laid out proposals …

The 2 Basics of Strategic Leadership

Strategy involves decision-making aimed at shaping the direction of an organization. In a school, creating strategy takes time, three to five years and beyond. Strategy also includes considering broader core issues and themes for development in the school, instead of day-to-day issues.

3 Reasons Kids Should Spend More Time in School

In the past, I’ve advocated for K-12 schools to abandon the traditional summers-off school calendar and switch to a year-round one. There are many benefits to year-round schooling—including consistency, less time spent relearning material, and the implications that year-round schooling has for closing the achievement gap. But there’s another piece to the puzzle that deserves a closer look. Here are three reasons kids should spend more time in school. We have too much time off, anyway. Let’s look at where American schools rank right now when it comes to days in school versus time off. Thirty states require schools to …

Top 4 Reasons Colleges Need the Hispanic Community to Thrive

The face of higher education is rapidly evolving as more middle- to low-class young people find ways to obtain a college degree or technical training. The Hispanic population in the U.S. is no exception as the number of college applicants and enrollees increase every year. While these strides benefit this specific group of students, everyone stands to benefit from Hispanic higher education success. Let’s look at why: Hispanics are the largest (and fastest-growing) minority in the United States. The U.S. Census reports that the estimated Hispanic population in the nation is 52 million – making residents of Hispanic origin the …

3 Questions We Should Ask About Preschool

President Obama has been vocal about his belief that a publicly-funded universal preschool initiative is necessary to give American children an academic advantage before ever setting foot in a Kindergarten classroom. A poll conducted by the bipartisan team of Hart Research and Public Opinion Strategies found that 70 percent of respondents were in full support of a universal preschool plan as long as it did not contribute to the national deficit. Sixty percent of the Republicans polled supported the plan, despite its close ties with the Democratic Chief. It is clear that average Americans, despite party affiliation, are supportive of …

Use These 4 Time-Tested Tips to Motivate Your Students

One of the pitfalls when it comes to motivating students is that teachers get themselves too fixated on curriculum. Teachers are afraid that when students fall behind the set curriculum, it will be reflected on external examinations. However, you need to encourage your students to be energetic and to find learning experiences interesting, satisfying and sometimes challenging. Your goal as the teacher is to prepare students for their later lives, educate and guide them for further learning and fulfillment. The challenge for teachers to make the classroom learning interesting and fit the curriculum has always existed.  Even from over a …