20 Strategies to Help Students Who Suffer From Anxiety

Are you looking for strategies to help students who suffer from anxiety? If so, keep reading. 1. Connect with parents (e.g., notes home, phone calls, etc.) to disseminate information about the learner’s progress. The parents may reinforce the learner at home for not engaging in nervous habits at school. 2. Maintain a calm/pleasant atmosphere. 3. Let the learner squeeze a tennis ball or rolled up towel to decrease engaging in nervous habits. 4. Let the learner take a break to regroup when they are becoming nervous. 5. Refrain from a discussion of topics that are sensitive to the learner (e.g., …

18 Ways to Encourage Pessimistic Students

Are you looking for ways to encourage pessimistic students? If so, keep reading. 1. Give the learner as many positive interactions as possible (e.g., recognize the learner, greet the learner, compliment their attire, etc.). 2. Require the learner to make at least one positive comment about themselves daily. As the learner shows success, slowly increase the number of positive remarks required. 3. Urge and assist the learner in joining extracurricular learning activities, clubs, etc. 4. Provide the learner additional duties (e.g., chores, errands, etc.) to give them a feeling of success or accomplishment. 5. Help the learner identify how they …

22 Ways to Support Students Who Think Everyone Dislikes Them

Are you looking for ways to support students who think everyone dislikes them? If so, keep reading. 1. Dissuade the learner from engaging in those learning activities that cause them unhappiness. 2. Help the learner find things they wish were in their surroundings and work with the learner toward those goals. 3. Teach the learner alternative ways to deal with unpleasant social interactions during the school-age experience (e.g., deal with problems when they arise, practice self-control at all times, share problems or concerns with others, etc.). 4. Teach the learner alternative ways to express unhappiness (e.g., written, spoken, etc.). 5. …

25 Strategies to Help Students Who Abuse Drugs or Alcohol

Are you looking for strategies to help students who abuse drugs or alcohol? If so, keep reading. 1. Connect with parents, agencies, or appropriate parties to tell them about the problem, identify the cause of the problem, and discuss potential solutions to the problem. 2. Give a drug information program for the individual learner, the class, or the learner body. 3. Give information on penalties for possession or use of alcohol and drugs at school. 4. Include the learner in extracurricular learning activities to help them create appropriate interests. 5. Identify individuals the learner may contact about their concerns (e.g., …

20 Ways to Support Students Who Suffer From Anxiety

Are you looking for ways to support students who suffer from anxiety? If so, keep reading. 1. Praise those students in the classroom who demonstrate appropriate behavior. 2. Stop situations in which peers contribute to the learner’s nervous behaviors. 3. Assess the degree of task difficulty to ascertain whether the learner will require additional information, time, assistance, etc., to avoid becoming frustrated and engaging in nervous habits. 4. Talk with the learner to explain(a) what they are doing wrong (e.g., chewing on pencil, nail-biting, twirling objects, etc.) and (b) what they must be doing (e.g., practicing self-control, working on the …

22 Strategies to Help Students Who Think That Everyone Dislikes Them

Are you looking for strategies to help students who think everyone dislikes them? If so, keep reading. 1. Give the learner as many academic and social success as possible so peers may view them more positively. 2. Make the appropriate adjustments in their surroundings to prevent the learner from experiencing stress, frustration, anger, etc. 3. Provide the learner with additional duties (e.g., chores, errands, etc.) to give them a feeling of success or accomplishment. 4. Organize their surroundings so the learner does not have time to dwell on real or imagined problems. 5. Take the time to listen so the …

6 Ways To Build A Sense Of Community

To some people, having a sense of community is of utmost importance. This is because the feeling of belonging to something can have a significant impact on one’s life. Additionally, there are plenty of advantages to having a tightly knit community that you can turn to in the tough times.  Below, we will be discussing six ways in which you can go about developing a sense of community in your area.  Get Involved With Community Organizations One of the easiest ways to feel part of the community is by getting involved with the different organizations. For example, if there is …

The Lasting Effects after a Student Assaults a Teacher

Most educators don’t enter the field, thinking they will need to use self-defense tactics in the classroom. Violence and threats against educators is a serious problem with lasting effects. The attacks negatively impact not only the teacher who suffers the attack but also the student perpetrator, the rest of the student body, the future of the school and the community at large. Lawmakers and administrators need to collaborate and create solutions to the epidemic of student assaults on teachers. Here are some of the lasting effects student assaults on teachers have: Schools struggle to retain and attract educators When students …

How Schools Can Support Students With Mental Health Needs

Students spend more time with their teachers than nearly any other adult, and in many cases, teachers have more influence and spend more time with teens than their parents do. When students spend so much of their time at school, it makes sense that educators need to be on the lookout for signs of mental health issues. Educators and administrators must be informed on mental health issues and prepared to intervene when necessary. Mental health issues are common and can develop early Mental health problems, mood disorders, and emotional issues are surprisingly common and may develop earlier than you think. …