eLI Supports: Shedding Light On The Lesser-Known Aspects Of Anxiety

Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Although it’s widely acknowledged that anxiety can manifest through well-known symptoms such as excessive worry, sleep disturbances, and physical manifestations like sweating or trembling, there are lesser-known aspects of this condition that receive less attention but significantly impact those who struggle with them. One lesser-discussed facet of anxiety is its cognitive component. People with anxiety often experience racing thoughts or an inability to concentrate, which can be debilitating in both personal and professional contexts. This can lead to a vicious cycle where the inability to focus heightens …

Utilizing Animation For Effective Mental Health Training In The Workplace

The integration of animation in mental health training programs within the workplace is transformative, both in the delivery and reception of vital information. Animations serve as a powerful tool to convey complex ideas in a digestible, relatable, and engaging manner. When we talk about mental health training in the workplace, it typically involves educating employees and management about recognizing stressors, managing mental health issues, and fostering a supportive environment. Firstly, the appeal of animation lies in its universal accessibility. Visual storytelling transcends language barriers and literacy levels, allowing for a broader reach. This is particularly beneficial in diverse workplaces, where …

Help! My Family Thinks I’m Crazy for Quitting My “Cushy” Teaching Job

Introduction: When you make a decision to chart a new course in life or take a risk, it’s not uncommon for some family members to question your choices and even doubt your sanity. This is the story of my journey after I decided to quit my stable teaching job that many considered “cushy,” and how I navigated through the judgment, concerns, and skepticism from my family. An Unexpected Calling: For most of my life, I had found comfort and fulfillment in teaching. The daily interactions with curious minds, the joy of nurturing talent in my students, and the sense of …

“I’m Not Okay With Letting You Take a Bullet For Me”—How Gun Violence Has Harmed Us All

Introduction In recent years, gun violence has become an increasingly prevalent and contentious issue within our society. A growing number of people are affected—directly or indirectly—by senseless acts of violence that involve firearms. As mass shootings and other violent incidents have become more common, we are forced to confront an alarming reality: no one is immune to the dangers of gun violence. The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence Every incident of gun violence creates a ripple effect that extends far beyond the individual victim. Family members, friends, co-workers, witnesses, and entire communities can be deeply affected by these tragic events. …

Teaching Through Trauma

Introduction It is no secret that trauma can have lasting impacts on a person’s life, especially when it comes to learning and education. Traditional teaching methods may not be effective or appropriate for students who are dealing with the aftermath of traumatic experiences. In response to this issue, many educators are adopting a new approach to education called Teaching Through Trauma. This article aims to explore the concept of Teaching Through Trauma and its benefits for both students and teachers. What is Teaching Through Trauma? Teaching Through Trauma is an educational approach that focuses on understanding, recognizing, and addressing the …

Help! I’m Having a Hardcore Case of Imposter Syndrome

Introduction Imposter Syndrome is the overwhelming feeling that one does not deserve their accomplishments and the fear of being exposed as a fraud. It can lead to self-doubt, anxiety, and stress. In today’s fast-paced world, it is not uncommon for people to experience this phenomenon. This article will explore the causes and symptoms of Imposter Syndrome and provide some practical advice on how to overcome it. Causes of Imposter Syndrome 1. Perfectionism: People with imposter syndrome often set unrealistic goals for themselves and feel inadequate when they cannot achieve them. They may have trouble accepting praise or recognizing their accomplishments …

Embracing the #IAmMore Movement

Introduction: In a world where social media often only showcases the perfect, polished aspects of people’s lives, it’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others. The #IAmMore movement is changing this narrative by encouraging individuals to embrace their true selves, value their unique qualities, and recognize that we are all more than our achievements or social media presence. What is #IAmMore? The #IAmMore movement began as a hashtag on social media platforms – a symbol for people to remind themselves and others that they are more than just a sum of their parts. The movement encourages individuals …

Tips For Onboarding New Teachers During a Pandemic

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the teaching profession, altering the way educators prepare, teach, and interact with their students. One of the challenges during this time is the onboarding of new teachers. As schools continue to navigate these turbulent waters, it is essential to support and empower new faculty members while ensuring their integration into the school’s ecosystem. Here are some tips to help facilitate the onboarding process for new teachers during a pandemic. 1. Provide a Clear and Comprehensive Orientation A detailed orientation program is crucial for new teachers. Provide an overview of the school’s policies, procedures, curriculum, …

5 Things I Am Giving Up This School Year

As the new school year approaches, many of us are reflecting on our past experiences and making resolutions to improve ourselves and our lifestyles. One way to make a positive change is by giving up certain habits or behaviors that hinder our success or well-being. In this article, I share five things I am giving up this school year in order to be more productive, focused, and balanced. 1. Procrastination Procrastination has been a recurring problem throughout my academic life. It leads to increased stress and poorer performance on assignments and exams. This school year, I am determined to break …

Help! I Have a Parent Screaming and Making Faces on Zoom. What Should I Do

As emerging technology has significantly blurred the lines between personal and professional lives, we are now facing unprecedented challenges that continue to affect our daily virtual routines. A prime example of this would be how to handle uncomfortable situations on video meetings, like a parent making a scene in the background while you’re on a Zoom call. Here are some tips on how to gracefully manage such a delicate situation without compromising your workplace reliability. 1. Keep Calm and Carry On The first rule of thumb for handling any unexpected situation is to stay calm, even if your parent is …