How to Better Support Middle and High School Students With Dyslexia 

Dyslexia is a neurological disorder that affects reading skills. It is a common problem, affecting about 10 percent of the population. Dyslexia can make learning to read difficult and may lead to problems in other areas of a student’s life. There is no one answer to solve the problems of dyslexia. However, there are several things schools and families can do to help students with the disorder. One of the first things schools can do is designate a teacher or specialist to work with students with dyslexia. This teacher can help students learn to read and understand the text better. …

Lively Christmas Music for Middle School

Christmas is a time for family, friends, and joy. For many, this holiday is celebrated with festive music and cheerful sounds. Whether you’re a middle school student looking for some lively holiday music to enjoy or you’re just looking for something to add some cheer to your day, here are some of our favorite festive tracks. 1. “Joy to the World” by Pentatonix This powerful and soulful track is sure to uplift your spirits on Christmas morning. It features a spectacular vocal performance by Pentatonix, as well as catchy instrumentals and a powerful drum beat. 2. “All I Want for …

Engaging Middle School Easter Activities

There is no one definitive way to engage middle school students during Easter, as the holiday is a personal and individual celebration. However, many Easter activities can be adapted to fit the interests and personalities of your students. One popular way to celebrate Easter is by baking Easter cookies. This can be a fun activity that allows students to share their creative skills, and it can also be a great way to get students excited for Easter dinner. Another great way to engage middle school students is by hosting an egg hunt. This can be a fun and interactive activity …

22 Fun Morning Meeting Ideas for Middle School

Engaging in morning meetings is a great way for middle school students to start the day. It can be an opportunity for students to connect with each other, practice public-speaking, and review important information. Here are 22 fun morning meeting ideas for middle schoolers: 1. Appreciation Circle: Each student takes a turn sharing something they appreciate about someone else in the group. 2. Show and Tell: Each student brings in something from home to share with the group. 3. Problem Solving: Pick a problem facing the school and have students come up with potential solutions. 4. Current Events: Have students …

36 Educational Websites for Middle School

For middle school students, the internet is an invaluable tool for learning and expanding their knowledge. With the right resources, students can explore their world, build skills, and discover new interests. To help students make the most of their time online, we’ve compiled a list of 36 educational websites for middle schoolers. 1. Khan Academy – Offers free online courses on a variety of topics, from math and science to art and humanities. 2. National Geographic Kids – Fun and educational resources for students, including videos, quizzes, and other interactive learning activities. 3. Discovery Education – Provides educational tools and …

Theme Activities for Middle School

Theme activities can be a great way to engage middle school students in the classroom. Whether it’s a geography lesson or a history lesson, incorporating a theme can help students make connections and see how different topics relate to one another. Here are some ideas for middle school theme activities that you can use to make learning fun and engaging. 1. Geography Scavenger Hunt: Divide the class into teams and give each team a map of the world. Ask them to find certain geographical points on the map, such as rivers, mountains, cities, and countries. To make the activity more …

5 Fun Food Chain Activities for Middle School

Middle school students can enjoy a variety of food chain activities. Here are some examples: 1. This video is great; it introduces a lot of key vocabulary related to the study of the food chain. It discusses the flow of energy, beginning with photosynthesis and moving all the way up the chain. Use this video at the very beginning of your unit to open up discussions about food chains. More Information: Learn Bright 2. Food Webs Crash Course This 4-minute video discusses ecosystems and how all plants and animals within that ecosystem are part of a food web. It investigates what …

Middle School Teachers: Everything You Need to Know

They usually educate students in sixth through eighth grades. These teachers have precise subjects they teach. Teachers in middle school are usually employed based on their knowledge of a particular subject. In middle school, a teacher could be employed to teach mathematics, social studies, science, English, or history. They typically teach their specialized subjects to various students all through the day, but a few teach a particular classroom of students all their subjects. Some of these teachers may even teach multiple courses. For example, a middle school teacher, who specializes in science, could teach natural science and biology courses. The …

Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School Students

As a middle school student, you are probably starting to learn about the art of persuasive writing. Argumentative essays provide you with a way to share your thoughts and opinions on a specific topic with your readers. These essays require you to analyze, evaluate and convince the reader to accept your point of view. When choosing an argumentative essay topic, it’s essential to select a subject that interests you and allows you to express your thoughts. Here are some exciting argumentative essay topics for middle school students. 1. Should students be allowed to use mobile phones in school? A popular …

17 Cooking Activities To Teach Middle Schoolers How To Cook

Cooking is a life skill that everyone should learn, and it’s never too early to start teaching your children how to cook. Middle school is a perfect age to begin teaching children how to cook, as they are old enough to follow instructions and understand safety procedures but still curious and excited about new challenges. Here are 17 cooking activities to teach middle schoolers how to cook. 1. Start with safety first. Teach children the proper techniques and safety procedures, such as washing hands, using a sharp knife correctly, and handling hot items. 2. Make Homemade Pizza. This activity will …