Evaluative Conditioning: Definition, Causes & Examples

Evaluative conditioning is the process by which one’s own attitudes and behavior are affected by the attitudes and behavior of others. It has been theorized to play a significant role in the formation of mental attitudes and behaviors as well as in the control of adaptive responses to environmental stimuli. Evaluative conditioning can take a number of different forms, but some of the more common examples include the following: 1) Learned helplessness: This phenomenon is often seen in experiments in which animals are subjected to conditions in which they are unable to control their own behavior. For example, rats in …

6 Key Skills to Regulate Emotions

There are a few key skills that you can use to regulate emotions. These skills can help you control how you feel, communicate with others, and react in stressful situations. 1. Regulate your emotions by focusing on your breathing When you are feeling under pressure, it is often helpful to focus on your breath. By taking deep, even breaths, you can calm your body and reduce your stress. 2. Regulate your emotions by taking action The second step in managing emotions is to take action. By taking steps to reduce the stress that you are feeling, you can decrease the …