2 Stories That Spotlight Mississippi’s Troubled K-12 Education System

Year after year, Mississippi is always the laughing stock of the K-12 education world. Its students continuously score low on standardized exams, and its graduation rate is abysmal. Don’t just take our word for it. Here are 2 stories that illustrate how troubled Mississippi’s K-12 education system has become. Mississippi failed to fully fund education in 2015. It’s no secret that education and its funding has never been a top priority in Mississippi. At the beginning of the year, the state ranked dead last in the nation when it came to educational opportunities and success for its students, but that …

4 Interesting Facts about Education in Mississippi

Mississippi is my home state, and an interesting state at that. Some time ago I wrote an article about what MLK would say about education in Mississippi, and I wrote it because of some startling realities about education in this state. I brought up that 24% of people in the state are estimated to live below the poverty line, and that many of Mississippi’s poorest residents are children of color — many of them are black children. For this reason, among others, Mississippi may need special attention when it comes to addressing P-12 education. Here are a few sobering facts …

6 Reasons Why You Should Care About High School Dropout Rates

The good news is that high school dropout rates are at an all-time low. The national average is 7 percent. However, there are too many people who slip through the cracks, especially when you consider all the alternate options for finishing school that are available in this day and age. The dropout rate should be negligible. Having too many high school dropouts is costly. Here are reasons why we should focus on reducing them even further: The dropout rates cost individuals a lot of money. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that dropouts bring in just $20,241 annually, which is $10,000 …