Empower Your Workforce With A Modern LMS: A Game-Changer In Corporate Training

In the fast-paced business world, corporations are contending with ever-changing markets, technologies and employee skill sets. The race to remain competitive hinges on a company’s ability to quickly adapt and learn. Thriving in this dynamic environment requires a robust training strategy, which is where a Modern Learning Management System (LMS) comes into play. Let’s delve into how a modern LMS can empower your workforce and transform your corporate training. A modern LMS is an online platform designed to create, distribute, and manage educational content and training programs. It enables employees to learn at their own pace, in their own time, …

19 Hacks for Teaching Kids to Share with Others

Are you looking for hacks for teaching kids to share with others? If so, keep reading. 1. Do not Let the learner bring things to school that they are not willing to share (e.g., games, toys, etc.). 2. Make sure the learner is not expected to share everything (e.g., do not punish the learner for not sharing a hat, gloves, personal things, etc.). Everyone has things they would prefer not to share with others. 3. Connect with parents (e.g., notes home, phone calls, etc.) to disseminate information about the learner’s progress. The parents may reinforce the learner at home for …

19 Hacks for Teaching Kids to Share with Others

Are you looking for hacks for teaching kids to share with others? If so, keep reading. 1. Do not Let the learner bring things to school that they are not willing to share (e.g., games, toys, etc.). 2. Make sure the learner is not expected to share everything (e.g., do not punish the learner for not sharing a hat, gloves, personal things, etc.). Everyone has things they would prefer not to share with others. 3. Connect with parents (e.g., notes home, phone calls, etc.) to disseminate information about the learner’s progress. The parents may reinforce the learner at home for …

ELearning Resources, Tips, and Strategies for Educators and Parents

ELearning is becoming one of the many popular methods of studying because of convenience and flexibility. Although it comes with its share of advantages, you will face a few challenges when signing up for an online course.  This article will discuss a few eLearning resources, tips, and strategies that will help educators and parents simplify online studying.  Make Use of Educational Tools  There are so many educational apps and tools that you can use as an online learner. Most parents and educators enjoy showing their kids and learners educational videos on YouTube. Khan Academy is an example of a company …

What Are the Attributes of a Future-Ready Parent/Guardian?

The “future-ready” movement seeks to increase digital learning tools in schools. Although the focus of the effort is on school leaders, that doesn’t mean that a parent can’t be future-ready. And it is certainly the case that a learner would benefit from having a future-ready parent. So what does a future-ready parent look like? They have four characteristics: 1. They recognize that not all education technology improves learning. A company can make a wide variety of claims, but the evidence may not back up the marketing department’s promises. Most businesses often commission and release their own research touting their success, …

Questions Parents Have About Education Apps

Education apps have been steadily rising in popularity and availability. Most parents are excited at the prospect of taking a more active role in shaping their kid’s education. Choosing the right educational program can help a kid to expand their knowledge and skill base. After all, these education apps are intended to engage a variety of learning styles so every kid can benefit.  However, most parents become overwhelmed by the sheer number of educational apps available. How can you decide which ones are right for your kid? Asking yourself these common questions may help to guide your decision-making process.  Does …

Questions Parents Have About Education Apps

Education apps have been steadily rising in popularity and availability. Most parents are excited at the prospect of taking a more active role in shaping their kid’s education. Choosing the right educational program can help a kid to expand their knowledge and skill base. After all, these education apps are intended to engage a variety of learning styles so every kid can benefit.  However, most parents become overwhelmed by the sheer number of educational apps available. How can you decide which ones are right for your kid? Asking yourself these common questions may help to guide your decision-making process.  Does …

What Digital Parenting Style Describes Your Family’s Tech Habits?

Many parents want to protect their kids from harm. This is especially true in today’s world when threats to a kid’s safety and well-being can enter your home in digital form. Responsible parents protect their kids from digital dangers by using parental control and phone monitoring apps. These tools are useful, but they aren’t the only skills you need to raise digitally-responsible kids. You must know your digital parenting style. Those who work with kids recognize three main styles of digital parenting. The Tech Limiting Parent Some parents say no, especially to any tech. They think that eliminating tech reduces …

What Digital Parenting Style Describes Your Family’s Tech Habits?

Many parents want to protect their kids from harm. This is especially true in today’s world when threats to a kid’s safety and well-being can enter your home in digital form. Responsible parents protect their kids from digital dangers by using parental control and phone monitoring apps. These tools are useful, but they aren’t the only skills you need to raise digitally-responsible kids. You must know your digital parenting style. Those who work with kids recognize three main styles of digital parenting. The Tech Limiting Parent Some parents say no, especially to any tech. They think that eliminating tech reduces …

3 Ways to Be a Better Homeschooling Teacher

Homeschooling parents often wonder if they are teaching their children the essential things. They are always concerned about whether they are qualified enough to teach them. As a consequence, they are looking for ways to become more effective instructors. Two things that every homeschooling parent should remember to be successful: They should not make the mistake of comparing their children to their peers. Do not allow fear to disrupt your homeschooling. The practical steps that can be taken by parents to improve their effectiveness as homeschool teachers are mentioned below. Read Books About Homeschooling Read one homeschooling, child development, or …