6 Easy Ways to Assess Pre-Reading Skills in the ECE Classroom

As every educator knows, early childhood education (ECE) is a crucial period for developing the foundations of reading and literacy. By fostering a strong pre-reading foundation in these early years, children will be better equipped for success throughout their academic journey. Here are six easy ways to assess pre-reading skills in the ECE classroom: 1. Rhyme Recognition: Enhancing a child’s understanding of rhyming words and sounds can help them begin to recognize patterns in language. To assess rhyme recognition, present the students with pairs of words – some that rhyme and some that do not. Ask them to identify which …

Media Literacy: Everything You Need to Know

The NAMLE (National Association for Media Literacy Education) defines Literacy Education as the capacity to explore, utilize different communication methods. Media literacy is inclusive of actions as subtle as the interpretation of emojis, to being able to grasp the baseline messages passed across in online commercials, creating viral videos, and understanding native advertising. While it appears as though everyone who can access the internet should be able to apply these practical media literacy skills pragmatically, this is not true. Interestingly, a good number of media users are oblivious to how much their actions online can impact others, and aren’t even …

16 Ways to Teach Students to Embrace Tasks and Learning Experiences

Are you looking for ways to teach students to embrace tasks and learning experiences? If so, keep reading. 1. Show the learner that work not done during work time must be done during other times (e.g., leisure time, break time, after school, etc.). 2. Give the learner a responsibility to be performed at several times throughout the day. 3. Show tasks and duties in the most attractive and exciting manner possible. 4. Talk regularly with the learner to maintain their involvement in tasks, duties, etc. 5. Make the appropriate adjustments in their surroundings to prevent the learner from experiencing stress, …

How to Overcome the Top 8 BYOD Concerns

It’s natural for parents and educators to be concerned about learners bringing their own devices to school, especially younger grades. With social media taking over the minds of the general public, people have become more and more addicted to their computer devices.  Let’s look at common concerns regarding the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) concept and how they can be overcome.  1. Learners won’t focus on their learning experiences This is probably the most common concern that educators and parents face when it comes to the BYOD concept. Many learners have access to a smartphone from a young age, and …

Why Cash-Strapped School Districts Use Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources are educational content that is available online without any copyright restriction. These are influential learning tools for every learner, but perhaps most especially for those learners in cash-strapped school districts. Here’s why: First, the expense of traditional printed textbooks means that underfunded school districts cannot replace them frequently. It is difficult for educators to teach their learners when the last two or three presidential administrations are not included in the learner’s textbook. The rapid advance of tech makes this problem even worse, and learners have a hard time taking content seriously if it shows people talking on …

Rules for Young Kids Using Tech

For most young learners being online is a natural state. With 95% of learners between the ages of 8-11 using the internet almost weekly, there is no doubt that their understanding of the web is growing. Not only are young kids using the web, but they are exploring it, learning through it, and using it more than ever. Education technology is being marketed at kids as young as two. Parents and educators must understand how best to use education technology and the concerns that come with it. All parties involved in early education and education technology can start by laying …

How Education Technology is Transforming K-12 Athletics

Physical education educators have their work cut out for them. They deal with a variety of issues, from lack of interest to body issues. As a result, most educators turn to educational tech to improve physical education classes and entire K-12 athletic programs. The following is a list of tools that are proving to be transformational at all levels of athletics.  1. Using fitness trackers– Fitness trackers, such as pedometers and health monitors, helps keep learners actively involved in their health and fitness. Through these inexpensive devices, learners can track steps and monitor their progress, empowering them to stay be …

Do Your Classes Allow for Tech Integration?

Whether you place it in your instruction or not, the learners in your classes are using tech. But, their access is not always school-related. You can change that if you’re willing to require that learners use tech as part of their learning experience. The first step to authentic tech integration in any classroom is differentiating how learners use tech. Would you rather that your learners be entertained or be accountable? Screen Time is Not Engagement Today’s teens spend nine hours online daily. These sixty-some hours a week are not as productive as they seem. Most of the time it is …

Guidelines for Young Children Using Education Technology

Tech is ever pervasive in kids’ lives. They watch videos, play video games, and spend their days on tablets and phones at home. Tech is even becoming prevalent in the education of kids. However, the younger the child, the less screen time they should have. There is also the danger of cyberbullying and online predators. With as much fun and help tech can be in the classroom, educators and administrators must be careful and selective in the educational tech choices for young learners.  Consider these four key steps when evaluating and deciding on a specific educational tech: Establish learning goals …

AI Curriculum for K-12 Classrooms

Don’t assume it will be decades before you need to worry about AI in the curriculum you teach. AI has already seeped into every facet of our daily lives. It’s been permeating the fabric of our world. We rely on smart surveillance, smart vehicles, and smartphones to get us through our days. Why wouldn’t we also use a smart curriculum? It shouldn’t come as a surprise that AI already plays a role in most classrooms. Schools have been redesigning how learners learn by embedding the first phase of AI into the grades K-12 curriculum.  What is AI? AI isn’t as …