Our Recommended Cleaning Protocols for the New Year

As the New Year approaches, it is an opportune time to reimagine our cleaning routines and adopt improved protocols to maintain a healthy and pristine living environment. Curated below are our top recommended cleaning protocols that will help you keep your home spick and span all year round. 1. Establish a Routine A well-structured routine helps set expectations and creates good habits that are easy to stick to. Incorporate daily, weekly, and monthly tasks into your schedule. 2. Prioritize Personal Hygiene Frequent handwashing, sanitizing high-touch surfaces, and limiting outside items brought into the house can significantly reduce the spread of …

The SEL Program That Made Me and My School Happier and Kinder

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it is easy for young individuals to become overwhelmed by the pressures of school and life. A hectic environment can lead to increased stress levels resulting in negative behavior among students. But what if there was a way to counteract this growing trend? Enter SEL (Social Emotional Learning) programs, which have been proven to have a positive impact on students’ happiness, kindness, and overall well-being. In this article, I’ll share my personal experience with the SEL program that transformed not just me but also my school for the better. SEL programs aim to improve students’ …

Help! Should I Tell My New School I’m Gay

Introduction Starting at a new school can be a challenging and often nerve-wracking experience. You might have various concerns ranging from making new friends to keeping up with the curriculum. For LGBTQ+ youth, an additional concern may be whether or not to come out about their sexual orientation. Deciding to share this aspect of your life with others, especially during such a transitional period, can be daunting. In this article, we will explore some factors that might help you make an informed decision about whether or not to come out as gay in your new school. Evaluate the School Environment …

Understanding Magnet Schools: A Detailed Overview

Introduction Magnet schools have become a popular option for many parents and students in search of a more specialized and dynamic educational experience. These innovative public schools offer unique opportunities that cater to diverse learning needs and interests. This article will provide an in-depth look at magnet schools, exploring their history, purpose, benefits, and key characteristics. History of Magnet Schools The concept of magnet schools originated in the United States during the 1970s as a response to racial segregation in public education. Magnet schools were designed to encourage voluntary desegregation by attracting students from various socio-economic backgrounds, ethnicities, and races. …

Halloween Is for Kids. Why Can’t We Celebrate It at School

Introduction: Every year, as October 31st draws near, children all around the world look forward to the spooky fun and excitement that Halloween brings. With its origins rooted in ancient Celtic harvest festivals, Halloween has transformed into a day filled with costumes, trick-or-treating, and delicious candy. Yet, despite its importance in popular culture, many schools have chosen to cut Halloween celebrations from their curriculum. But why should this be the case? After all, Halloween is for kids and schools serve our youngest citizens. The Importance of Halloween in Childhood: For children, Halloween represents an escape from reality, allowing them to …

Why You Might Be Freaking out Right Now if You’re Headed Back to School

Introduction After months of being away from school or attending virtual classes, going back to school can be nerve-racking for many students. As educational institutions begin to reopen worldwide, it’s natural to have mixed emotions about this transition. This article explores some of the reasons why you might be freaking out right now if you’re headed back to school. 1. Adjusting to New Routines For many students, adapting to new routines and schedules after a long break can cause anxiety. Resuming early morning alarm clocks, following strict class timetables, and balancing homework with extra-curricular activities might take some time to …

How to Start a Bullying Prevention Program at Your School

Bullying is a serious issue faced by students across the globe. Countless children have experienced feeling powerless, threatened, or afraid due to harmful actions from their peers. As educators and community members, it is our responsibility to make schools safe and supportive spaces for all students. One effective way to address bullying is through implementing a bullying prevention program in your school. In this article, we will guide you through the process of starting a successful bullying prevention program. 1. Assess the Situation The first step in creating a bullying prevention program is understanding the specific issues your school faces. …

How One School Garden Transformed a Neighborhood

In a small, bustling neighborhood, there once was a school that stood as a beacon of hope and learning. But for all its educational virtues, the school grounds were lacking one crucial element: green space. A group of committed teachers, parents, and community members came together to change that – and in the process, they transformed not just the school, but the entire neighborhood. The idea for the school garden started as a simple wish from a dedicated teacher who wanted to teach her students about nature, sustainable living, and healthy eating. She knew that access to green space was …

15 Inclusive Ways to Celebrate the Holiday Season at School

The holiday season is a time for joy, togetherness, and celebration. With students from diverse cultural backgrounds, it is essential for schools to embrace inclusivity during this festive period. Here are 15 inclusive ways to celebrate the holiday season at school. 1. Create a Multicultural Holiday Calendar: Highlight major holidays from different cultures, like Hanukkah, Christmas, Diwali, and Kwanzaa, to recognize and celebrate the diversity among students. 2. Organize a Cultural Potluck: Encourage students and faculty to bring dishes that represent their own cultural traditions for everyone to share. 3. Host a Holiday Storytelling Event: Invite students, teachers, and community …

Just One Morning In the Life of a Public School Teacher

The sun had barely risen as the alarm clock persistently buzzed, signaling the start of another day in the life of a public school teacher. Bleary eyes slowly opened, taking in the room still cast in a soft morning glow. A few stolen moments of silence preceded the daily routine that would lead to a bustling, lively school full of eager young minds. Preparing for the day ahead, the teacher packed their bag with carefully-prepared lesson plans, assignments, and unruly stacks of papers waiting to be graded. As the coffee brewed, they glanced at their calendar and mentally noted upcoming …