What Teachers Miss the Most About School During Distance Learning

As the world grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic, it forced institutions and individuals to adopt new means to continue essential services. One of the most affected areas was education, with schools switching to distance learning models to ensure students continued learning remotely. Teachers had to make a sudden transition to virtual classrooms. In this unprecedented situation, teachers have found themselves missing certain aspects of in-person schooling. Let’s take a look at some of the most significant elements that educators long for during this period of distance learning. 1. Face-to-face Interaction One of the things teachers miss most is face-to-face interaction …

What Teachers Say vs. What They Actually Mean

Introduction: Have you ever wondered if there’s a hidden meaning behind your teacher’s words? Teachers have their own unique language and methods of expressing their thoughts, often leaving students scratching their heads in confusion. In this article, we’ll provide some insight into the world of teacher-speak and what they might actually mean when they say certain phrases. 1. “The bell doesn’t dismiss you; I dismiss you.” What they actually mean: Your teacher wants to maintain control over the class and ensure that all necessary information is covered before students leave. It’s a subtle way of saying, “Pay attention because I’m …

How I Teach Kids to Be Kind on the Playground and Beyond

As a dedicated educator and parent, I’ve come to realize the importance of teaching children about kindness not only within the confines of a classroom but also in their everyday environment. From the playground to their homes, fostering kindness is crucial for their development and social interactions. Here’s how I teach kids to be kind on the playground and beyond. 1. Lead by example: Children learn a lot from observing the people around them, especially adults. As an educator and a parent, I believe it is essential to model kindness in my daily interactions. By treating others with respect, empathy, …

Bloomz vs. Remind: Which Parent Communication App Should You Choose?

As technology advances, so does the way we communicate. The education sector is no exception. Two popular parent-teacher communication apps, Bloomz and Remind, have emerged as clear front-runners in the race to improve communication between teachers, students, and their families. While both platforms have a lot to offer, it’s important to examine the differences in order to make the best choice for your specific needs. Features Bloomz offers numerous features, including announcements, messaging, sharing of photos and videos, event coordination such as parent-teacher conferences or field trips, volunteer sign-ups, behavior tracking, and student portfolios. Additionally, Bloomz allows teachers to create …

Teaching Students About Hemocyanin

As a teacher, it’s important to find ways to make complex scientific concepts accessible to students. One topic that may be particularly challenging is hemocyanin, a protein found in the blood of certain invertebrates that helps transport oxygen. Here are some tips for teaching students about hemocyanin: 1. Start with the basics. Before diving into the specifics of hemocyanin, it’s helpful to review some of the basics of cellular respiration and oxygen transport. Make sure that students have a solid understanding of how oxygen is transported from the lungs to the cells, and the role that hemoglobin plays in this …

5 Positive Reinforcement Activities to Use in the Classroom

Positive reinforcement is an effective tool to achieve desirable behavior. Many different types of positive reinforcement can be applied in the classroom. The following are five examples of positive reinforcement activities that can be used in the classroom. 1. Praise: Praise is a form of positive reinforcement that can be used to acknowledge and celebrate good behavior. When done properly, praise can help increase the likelihood of future good behavior. To use praise effectively, be specific and consistent in your comments. 2. Diversionary Activities: Diversionary activities are a fun way to change the focus of a student’s attention. When used …

Steps to Becoming a Coding Teacher

Coding is becoming an increasingly important skill in today’s world, and many schools are seeking teachers who can help their students develop this skill. If you’re interested in teaching coding, there are several steps you can take to become a coding teacher. • Gain experience with coding. The first step in becoming a coding teacher is to gain experience with coding yourself. This might involve taking online courses, working on personal projects, or learning a specific programming language. The more experience you have with coding, the better equipped you’ll be to teach it to others. • Obtain a teaching certification. …

Universal Design in the Classroom: Do it Once, Do it Right

Universal Design is a philosophy that emphasizes creating products, environments, and systems accessible and usable by the greatest number of people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. This philosophy is increasingly being applied to the classroom, which can help create an inclusive learning environment for all students. By taking a Universal Design approach, teachers can create a classroom that is accessible, usable, and flexible, benefiting not only students with disabilities but also students without disabilities and making their jobs as educators easier. One of the key principles of Universal Design is to plan and consider the needs of all students …

Fair Isn’t Equal: Seven Classroom Tips

In the educational world, the phrase “fair isn’t equal” has become a rallying cry for teachers who believe in the importance of differentiated instruction. Rather than treating all students the same, differentiated instruction recognizes each student has unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles and adjusts instruction accordingly. This article will explore seven practical tips for implementing differentiated instruction in the classroom. Differentiated instruction is an approach to teaching that recognizes all students are unique and adjusts instruction accordingly. Using these seven tips, teachers can help ensure that all students receive the support they need to succeed. Whether you’re a seasoned …

Six Steps to Master Teaching: Becoming a Reflective Practitioner

Becoming a reflective practitioner is a key step in mastering the art of teaching. Reflective practice involves regularly reflecting on one’s teaching practices and strategies, aiming to improve and refine them over time. Here are six steps to becoming a reflective practitioner: 1. Set aside dedicated reflection time: To effectively reflect on your teaching practices, it’s important to set aside dedicated time for reflection. This can be done regularly, such as once a week or after each lesson, or less frequently, such as at the end of each term. 2. Consider your goals and objectives: When reflecting on your teaching …