Art and Science of Teaching / Reviving Reteaching

Reteaching is an art and science that has been around for centuries, and it is still an important part of teaching today. Reteaching is the process of using a variety of methods to help students learn information again. This can be done in a traditional classroom setting, online, or even through special software. There are many reasons why reteaching is important. First, it helps students retain information better. Second, it helps students learn in a more effective way. Third, it can help students learn new material more quickly. Fourth, it can help students learn in a more fun and engaging …

Your Students, My Students, Our Students: Rethinking Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms

Inclusive classrooms are becoming more and more popular in schools across the United States. There are many reasons for this, but at their core, inclusive classrooms are classrooms that are equitable and inclusive of all students. Inclusive classrooms are important not just for students with disabilities, but also for students who are socio-economically disadvantaged, English Language Learners, and members of marginalized groups. When we think about equitable and inclusive classrooms, it can be hard to separate ourselves from the students in our classes. However, it is important to remember that we are not the only people in the room. Our …

Making These 4 SEL Strategies Work in Your Classroom

Educational Data Systems

In order to make these four strategies work in your classroom, you first need to be aware of what they are. SEL stands for Social, Emotional, Learning, and Physical. Each of these strategies can help you improve the interactions and learning in your classroom. 1. Use Social Strategies to Build Rapport One of the most important social strategies is building rapport. When you build rapport with your students, it helps them feel comfortable and respected. This can help them learn and be more engaged in class. One way to build rapport is to ask open-ended questions. These questions allow the …

3 Strategies for Productive Teacher Mentoring

Teachers need to be prepared to mentor other professionals to help them advance in their careers. There are various strategies that can be put into place to help a teacher mentor another professional. Here are three strategies for productive teacher mentoring: 1. Set realistic expectations. When it comes to mentoring, remember that it is not about getting the person to success. It is about building a relationship that can be beneficial to both parties. This means that the teacher should be prepared to give the professional feedback they need to help them grow and learn. 2. Probe beneath the surface. …

Teacher Education Courses: Everything You Need to Know

These are the courses that are used to train teachers. Many colleges and universities offer these courses that provide teachers with the requisite know-how and experience to excel in the classroom. Teachers who had completed their teacher certifications or licenses long ago may not be aware of new techniques and technology available today that can make their lessons more interesting and engaging. As a result, the way they teach students and the material they use for their classes may become mundane. This is where teacher education courses can help by offering teachers newer and more tech-savvy ways to keep their …

The Significance of Effective Teacher Training

A good teacher is very important to a student’s performance. A teacher is trained to become great just like any other specialized profession. It is mandatory for teachers to train before teaching in the classroom, and they have to continuously equip themselves while still working in the classroom. Teachers are continuously trained all through their career, from college with certification coursework to student teaching and then professional development. All this training helps to maintain old teachers as they see new problems in education, and it also gives new teachers the biggest chances of succeeding in their profession. When teachers do …

How to Avoid Poor Tech Training Practices

Tech training for educators usually fits into one of two categories. Either it’s well-planned and effective because educators received thorough training before using a new tech tool, or it’s a bust. Inadequate training is either frontloaded at the start of the year or thrown at educators along the continuum. Educators don’t remember training when it all occurs in the days before the academic year begins. They don’t appreciate training set up as afterthoughts, which usually comes after they have already failed to properly use the new tech. There are more effective ways to provide tech professional development. Blending Formal and …

Tenure: Everything You Need to Know

This is a well-respected position earned by faculty members who have been beyond excellent in the delivery of their services. This position enables them to remain in their given position without any risk of losing the position at the institution; after demonstration of brilliance in their roles of teaching & research.  The tenure status has its benefits and risks, which are expatiated upon below: Pro: Tenure Safeguards Academic Independence When the topic of tenure is discussed, the budget required to keep staff on tenure is what is often emphasized. However, one salient factor that must never be overlooked is the …

A Guide to Alternative Teacher Education Programs

pass or fail

Alternative teacher education programs have experienced a sudden and rapid rise across the United States over the past 20 years. These programs came about as a result of numerous requests for changes in teacher education programs. Another factor that influenced the rise in alternative teacher education programs was the demand for teachers due to teacher shortages in specific subject areas and certain parts of the nation. All programs are required to meet the state teacher education program standards and requirements.  Alternative programs typically target experienced professionals who are veterans in certain relevant subjects, and their goal is to speed up …

Why You Should Become a National Board Certified Teacher

There are several reasons to become a national board-certified teacher. Board-certified educators prove their worth in the classroom every day: Students learn more. A decade of education research shows that learners of Board-certified teachers learn more than their colleagues without Board-certified teachers. Research studies have also found that the impact of obtaining a Board-certified teacher is even more significant for minority and low-income students. Teachers improve their practice. Board Certification allows educators to fine-tune their practice, demonstrate their skill in the classroom, and showcase their dedication to their students. Show a commitment to excellence. Schools with Board Certified Teachers are identifiable by better morale and …