Cultural Difference Theory: Everything You Need to Know

This theory suggests that students from diverse cultural backgrounds have different approaches to learning and education. If teachers can be aware of the different approaches to learning, and the cultural influence that causes it, they will be able to tailor their teaching strategies to help provide the students with the best education possible. Teachers need to seek out these cultural differences and use the information gained from their research to help ease the transfer from learning in a specific way at home to having to adapt to a new style of learning. Students generally begin their learning experience at home …

Expectation Theory: Everything You Need to Know

This occurs when a teacher lowers their expectation of a student’s performance because of the racial group the student belongs to. When a teacher has lower expectations from a student, it affects the manner in which the teacher interacts with the student. Their teaching methods and the level to which they support and encourage students they expect little from is usually in line with their expectation of the student. So due to no fault of their own, students who have been unfairly labeled as not worth paying attention to, and dismissed by their teachers before they are given a chance …

Multiple Intelligences: Everything You Need to Know

This describes an educational theory by Howard Gardner, which states that some areas of specialized intelligence are more sophisticated than others. These are the eight areas of intelligence as proposed by Gardner with the possible addition of a ninth one, namely “existentialist intelligence”: ●      Visual/spatial ●      Mathematical/logical ●      Linguistic ●      Musical/rhythmic ●      Kinesthetic ●      Intrapersonal ●      Interpersonal ●      Naturalistic ●      Existentialist The theory of multiple intelligences proposes that individuals aren’t born with all the intelligence they’ll ever have. Thus, Gardner’s theory challenged …

Departmentalized Scheduling: Everything You Need to Know

This involves teachers who only teach a single subject to several classes. This classroom organization is generally found in junior, middle, or high school settings. It might also be found at the elementary level in science, mathematics, art, music, and physical education classes. Departmentalized scheduling has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include: ·         Departmentalized scheduling gives students multiple teachers they can approach to get support in academics. Sometimes many students don’t click with one teacher but they’ll with another one. ·         While consistency is very important for young students, they’re better …

Schemata: Everything You Need to Know

This refers to the organization of knowledge in a way that it can be easily recalled even after not being used for a long time. People use schemata (the plural form of schema) to categorize events and objects based on common characteristics and elements and thus interpret and forecast the world. Fresh information is processed according to how it fits into those mental structures or rules.  In cognitive science, it’s understood that humans retrieve knowledge from different areas to draw conclusions about non-evidential or missing information, such as during political evaluation or decision-making. Schemata represent the way in which the …

Nondiscriminatory Education: Everything You Need to Know

This refers to the principle that states that all assessments done in schools must be fair and accurate, without any discrimination. This is used to ensure that children from minority ethnic groups don’t receive discriminatory education. The term ‘nondiscriminatory’ means that education must be deemed ‘valid’ as per educational standards. In other words, education imparted shouldn’t be biased against or for any individual or group. For instance, education shouldn’t be imparted in an environment in which students with disabilities aren’t appropriately segregated, or where it discriminates based on the student’s financial status, culture, race, language, etc. Any such discriminatory elements …

Religious Idealism: Everything You Need to Know

This is a theory that proposes the existence of two realms of reality, God’s realm and the realm of humanity. Religious idealism has had a large influence on education. Early Christians were quick to understand that Christianity would do better if its supporters were given some form of systematic teaching about religious ideas. Thus, when they set up schools, they established them in models with which they were familiar. As a result, several Greek and Jewish ideas about the nature of God, society, and humanity went into the Christian schools, together with distinctly Christian ideas.  The Church played the role …

Classical Idealism: Everything You Need to Know

This is a collection of theories that were proposed by Plato and Socrates. These theories pondered on the nature and principles of knowledge, reality, and the human experience. It emphasizes the use of criticism to understand information and come up with useful conclusions. It believes that forms are structured in a hierarchy, at the top of which sits the various forms of good. Plato believed people should primarily focus on their search for truth because the truth is eternal and perfect, which can’t be found in the constantly changing and imperfect world of matter. Mathematics shows the possibility of eternal …

Logic: Everything You Need to Know

pass or fail

Logic is concerned with the organization of reasoning. In human history, logic is one of the oldest intellectual disciplines that date back to Aristotle. Humans use logic in just about everything they do – from their professional discussions to personal conversations. People use logic to define ideas, affirm observations, and formalize theories. Again, to derive conclusions from these pieces of information, people use logical reasoning. Even when convincing others of the conclusions someone has drawn, they depend on logical proofs. In the domain of education, logic is a vital tool as it helps in correct reasoning and avoiding fallacies. It’s …

Marxism: Everything You Need to Know

Marxism is an ideology that believes the class system has an unfair influence over the realms of politics, education, and society. Marxism believes that to understand the world, one must study the economic consequences of the existence of the class system.  The Marxist movement suggests that an educational system is a tool that’s used by the dominant classes to maintain their control over the oppressed classes. Today, it’s the capitalist class that primarily determines what’s taught, to whom, and how. This is in line with what Marx once said about the ruling class that rules the society and even its …