Classroom Management Starts With Principals, Not Teachers. Here’s Why.


Classroom management is a critical aspect of the educational process. It ensures a conducive learning environment that helps students to achieve their academic goals. While the responsibility of classroom management often falls on teachers, there’s a persuasive argument that effective management starts with school principals. This article will explore the reasons behind this assertion and the crucial role that principals play in establishing and maintaining efficient classroom management systems.

1. Setting Expectations and Policies:

One of the primary reasons classroom management starts with principals is their responsibility to establish school-wide expectations and policies. A principal sets the stage for a well-functioning educational environment by implementing clear guidelines that define acceptable behavior, attendance, and academic performance. Principals must work with teachers to create practical classroom rules that complement these guidelines while ensuring consistency across the school.

2. Leading by Example:

Principals are responsible for setting the tone within the school community. They lead by example, demonstrating how to maintain good relationships with colleagues, parents, and students. When principals model effective communication skills, teamwork, and dedication to professional development, they provide teachers with a strong foundation from which they can effectively manage their classrooms.

3. Providing Professional Development Opportunities:

Professional development opportunities play a crucial role in equipping teachers with the necessary skills for excellent classroom management. Principals are responsible for identifying training needs according to student demographics, teacher performance evaluations, and shifts in educational trends or policies. By providing comprehensive professional development programs, principals ensure that teachers remain up-to-date with best practices in pedagogy and classroom management strategies.

4. Supporting Teachers Under Challenging Circumstances:

Another reason classroom management begins with principals is their responsibility to support teachers facing challenging situations. Principals should be approachable and understanding when teachers encounter issues related to behavior management or workload challenges. By offering practical solutions and additional resources where necessary, principals contribute significantly to effective classroom management.

5. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Effective principals consistently monitor their school’s academic progress and the quality of classroom management. Regular evaluations, such as observing teacher-student interactions, tracking student performance data, and soliciting input from stakeholders, help principals identify areas that require improvement. By providing constructive feedback and actionable strategies, they support teachers in refining their classroom management skills.


In conclusion, while teachers are undoubtedly at the forefront of classroom management, principals play a significant role in shaping the overall learning environment. By setting expectations and policies, leading by example, providing professional development opportunities, supporting teachers under challenging circumstances, and evaluating academic progress, principals ultimately lay the groundwork for successful classroom management systems. As we strive to enhance education quality in our schools, it’s essential to recognize and nurture the critical partnership between teachers and principals in creating well-managed classrooms that foster student success.