Constructivism and the Developing Child

The theory of constructivism greatly influences the school life of children from a very young age. Most schools rely on this theory to provide each student with a personalized and unique learning experience. 

Below, we will discuss everything that there is to know about constructivism and its use in the classroom. We will also mention a few ways in which you can integrate this theory into your lessons. 

What Is Constructivism?

Through constructivism, a student is taught to learn and grow through their own experiences and personal knowledge. The teacher recognizes that each student is different and that they learn in their own unique ways. In this way, the children can generate their own rules and principles based on past experiences and trial and error. 

With this learning concept, the child is not forced down one particular academic path. Instead, the teacher will guide the class as they make their own decisions and acquire their own knowledge based on these choices. 

Teaching With Constructivism

Past studies have found that children work best when guided by an adult or someone older than them. However, this does not mean that the teacher should dictate the work to the students and do everything by the book. 

With constructivism, the students should be able to determine which learning method suits them best. The teacher should always be there to assist the children when they do not understand the work. With that being said, they should never force the students into using one learning method or style. 

Ways To Integrate Constructivism

There are various ways in which constructivism can be integrated into the classroom:

  • Take the time to talk – students hate listening to the teacher talk for entire lessons. Instead of boring your class, take the time to discuss the work with them and ensure that they understand what is going on. You should also encourage students to test different theories and learning styles to determine which methods work best for them.  
  • Doing is learning – as a teacher, you need to understand that real-world experiences are more valuable than anything taught in the classroom. Instead of simply preaching work to the students, take them outside and allow them to experience the work for themselves. 

Concluding Thoughts

Constructivism is an academic theory that teaches students to learn through their own acquired knowledge and personal experience. To teach with constructivism, educators should allow students to try their own theories and make mistakes – this way, the students will learn from their errors and understand the work more clearly.