Creative Writing Apps, Tools, and Resources That We Love

Are you looking for creative writing apps, tools, and resources that you can use with your students? If so, we have you covered. Check out our list below. Let us know if there are any that we missed.

BoomWriter– A platform that encourages students to produce their best creative writing efforts. BoomWriter provides a competitive platform that can be easily incorporated into the syllabus using its unique mix of creative writing and social media tech. It provides a symbiotic experience for all parties involved. BoomWriter is available for teachers and students all around the world. 

Shake-a-Phrase: Fun With Words and Sentences– This exciting language learning app provides creative writing prompts, vocabulary, and parts of speech practice. It provides a blend of education and entertainment in class or on-the-go. It has over 2,000 words and definitions in five interactive themes for children aged eight and above. This app provides a new random sentence every time you shake your device, giving you more words to learn. Test your abilities with adjectives, verbs, nouns, prepositions, and conjunctions.

Grammarly– Grammarly is your personal grammar coach and an automated proofreader that helps students get better in the proper use of grammar and gain confidence in their writing ability. Grammarly helps correct about 10 times more mistakes than common word processors, and it corrects more than 150 types of grammatical errors and does a plagiarism check.

Write About – This website provides a classroom writing community and publishing platform; it allows young writers and teachers to respond to writing prompts created by others. Writers can respond to prompts in writing or by recording audio. Privacy settings can be adjusted to get writing to the appropriate audience. Teachers and students can leave comments and give feedback to the writer. Students can join writing communities, either from their class or other groups.

Write About This – This platform encourages kids to write creatively by providing them with 120 images and 375 topics to choose from. Each image has three writing levels that help to stimulate creativity, critical thinking, and description. Students can either share written content or save it to their device. Students also get access to personalized pictures and topics if they get tired of those on the platform.