Effective Education Leaders are Organized

You cannot run your school or district if you are not organized. Education leaders know the power of keeping their personal and professional lives in order. If you don’t believe me, visit the office of successful and unsuccessful education leaders. The successful ones have organized office spaces, and unsuccessful ones have cluttered office spaces.

Let’s get organized

I am not exaggerating, being organized can change your life. How can you accomplish this? If I were you, I would bring my administrative assistants in on this. Why? Because by nature, administrative assistants are organized and can help you devise a system. All you have to do is ask. Also, they need to understand any system that you put together, as they will be working with you hand and hand during your tenure as a leader at that school or district. Once you get your system together, make sure you stick to it, as it is easy to go back to the old way of doing things. Then you are right back where you started, an unorganized mess.

Once you get the hang of things, your life will be so much better. No more spending precious minutes searching for a hole puncher or notepads, as you know exactly where they are. No more spending hours looking for expense reports, as your filing system is easy to follow. Being an organized education leader will make you a lot more effective, I promise it.

Concluding thoughts

So what are you waiting on? There is no time like the present. Commit yourself to become more organized today, and tomorrow it can come true. Believe me, I know. I was once a partially organized education leader, but I turned things around. Once I did, I became more productive and efficient, and I was able to complete projects quicker, which allowed me to enjoy more free time. If this wouldn’t have happened, I will have surely burned out, like so many unorganized leaders before me.

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