Free Poster: 25 Things to Say Instead of “Good Job”


The way we praise and encourage children can have a profound impact on their mindset, confidence, and willingness to take on challenges. Traditional praises like “Good job” can often become repetitive and lose their intended effect over time. Rather than falling back on this familiar phrase, consider using more engaging and meaningful alternatives. We’ve created a free poster that includes 25 things you can say to children instead of “Good Job.” Read on to learn more!

1. Keep up the good work!

2. I appreciate your effort.

3. You really worked hard on this.

4. I love how you approached the problem.

5. Fantastic thinking!

6. That’s a great improvement!

7. You handled that situation really well.

8. Your creativity shines through!

9. I’m proud of your progress.

10. Your persistence paid off!

By using these phrases, adults can foster a growth mindset in children by acknowledging their efforts, improvements, and thought processes rather than just the end result.

11. That was a courageous attempt!

12. It’s amazing to watch your skills develop.

13. You’ve mastered that concept really well.

14. Great teamwork!

15. Your enthusiasm is infectious!

16. What an innovative idea!

17. I’m impressed by your attention to detail.

18. It’s awesome how committed you were to finishing that task.

19. You’ve grown so much in this area.

20. Nice strategy!

These acknowledgements focus on skill development, innovation, teamwork, and strategies, celebrating accomplishments while encouraging further growth.

21. I see how much time you invested in this.

22. Well done for staying focused throughout the process.

23. You really listened and understood our direction well!

24. Way to go for stepping outside your comfort zone!

25. You put a lot of thought into this!

Download and print our free poster to have these encouraging phrases available at hand. As you try these alternatives, you’ll likely notice more genuine engagement from children and a more positive response to feedback.

In conclusion, making a conscious effort to diversify our language when praising and encouraging children can lead to numerous benefits. As we shift our focus to their effort, growth, and thought process instead of simply saying “Good job,” we lay the foundation for a healthier mindset, successful skill development, resilience, and improved confidence. It’s a small change that can make a significant difference in the lives of those we teach and mentor.

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