Fun Facts About Neptune For Kids

Neptune is known as the eighth planet from the sun and it is the fourth largest planet in our solar system. It’s a stunning blue color which is caused by the gases in its atmosphere. You may not know much about this planet yet, but here are some fun facts about Neptune that you may enjoy:

1. Neptune is named after a Roman god.

The planet was named after the Roman god of the seas, Neptune. Given that it is the eighth planet from the sun, it was the perfect name for a blue, water-inspired planet.

2. Neptune was discovered through mathematical predictions.

Neptune cannot be seen with the naked eye which is why it took a while for it to be discovered. But in 1846, astronomers made mathematical predictions about the existence of Neptune based on its gravitational pull on planets nearby, such as Uranus. They were right!

3. Neptune is the windiest planet.

The winds on Neptune are the strongest in the solar system. It is said that winds could reach up to 1,200 miles per hour. That’s more than twice as fast as the strongest hurricanes on Earth.

4. Neptune has the farthest orbit around the sun.

Neptune is the furthermost planet from the sun in terms of the orbit. It takes Neptune about 165 Earth years to orbit around the sun just once.

5. Neptune has yet to complete a full orbit since its discovery.

Since Neptune takes so long to orbit around the sun, it has only completed one full orbit since its discovery in 1846.

6. Neptune has a ring system.

Just like Saturn, Neptune has a ring system that consists of a few rings broken into arcs. Although, unlike the rings of Saturn, they are faint and difficult to see.

7. Neptune has a total of 14 moons.

Last but not least, Neptune has 14 moons which were named after characters from Greek mythology. The largest of these is called Triton, which is the seventh-largest moon in the entire solar system.

In conclusion, Neptune is a fascinating planet rich in interesting facts that we are still discovering. With its powerful winds, gorgeous blue atmosphere, and unique characteristics, Neptune is definitely worth learning more about.