Help! I Don’t Want to Job Share Anymore – Navigating the Transition


Job sharing has become a popular work arrangement for many employees seeking flexibility and improved work-life balance. However, circumstances may change, and some may find that job sharing no longer meets their needs. If you’ve reached this point and no longer want to job share, this article will guide you through the process of navigating this transition.

Step 1: Assess your reasons for ending the job share arrangement

Before taking any action, it’s important to assess why you no longer want to job share. Perhaps your financial needs have changed, or you feel your career objectives can be better met in a full-time role. Understanding your motivations for ending the arrangement is key in making a successful transition.

Step 2: Consult with your job share partner

Discuss your feelings and intentions with your job share partner. They may be experiencing similar concerns or may have entirely different views on the arrangement. Collaborate on finding potential solutions together before approaching management.

Step 3: Plan a clear course of action

Determine a practical course of action that considers both parties’ needs. This may involve moving into separate full-time roles within the company, or even seeking opportunities elsewhere. Be prepared to be flexible in your search for new opportunities, as this can minimize the impact on both individuals involved.

Step 4: Approach management with open communication

Once both parties are on board with the decision, approach your manager and request a meeting to discuss transitioning out of the job share arrangement. Be clear and confident in articulating your reasons for the change and present a well-thought-out plan moving forward.

Step 5: Coordinate with HR and management for a smooth transition

Work closely with HR and management to develop an exit strategy from the job share arrangement. This may involve updating resumes or portfolios, filling out relevant paperwork, or discussing notice periods. Be prepared to face challenges during this process, and maintain open communication.

Step 6: Be prepared for the possibility of having to search for a new job

In some cases, your employer may not have a suitable full-time role available when you seek to end the job share arrangement. If that’s the case, be prepared to embark on a job search. Update your resume and start networking to find opportunities that align with your career objectives.

Step 7: Reflect on the experience and learn from it

Recognize the skills you’ve acquired and experiences you’ve gathered during your job share arrangement. These experiences can help you become more flexible, adaptable, and team-oriented in future roles.


Deciding to end a job share arrangement can be challenging, but by carefully navigating the transition, you can maintain professional relationships and ultimately make decisions that are best for your career growth. Approach the process thoughtfully, maintain open communication with all parties involved, and embrace the lessons learned from this unique work experience.