How Much Does A Corporate Training Video Cost?

A corporate training video can be an essential tool for businesses looking to train employees efficiently and effectively. However, the cost of creating such a video can vary widely depending on a number of factors.

The production value is one of the primary cost determinants. A high-quality video with professional actors, custom animations, and filming at multiple locations will cost significantly more than a simple, straightforward recording of a PowerPoint presentation.

On the lower end, for small businesses or those on a tight budget, a basic corporate training video can cost between $1,500 to $5,000. This would typically cover a simple, short video that may be shot in a day or less with minimal editing and graphics.

As we move up the ladder of sophistication and quality, costs can range from $5,000 to $20,000. This mid-range budget allows for better equipment, graphics, perhaps multiple cameras or shooting days, and professional editing. It may include the hiring of actors or voiceover artists to give the training video a more polished look and feel.

For larger companies needing high-end corporate training videos with all the bells and whistles – including top-notch animation or virtual reality elements, professional actors, scriptwriters, a director, studio time, and possibly locations outside the office – costs can soar from $20,000 to $50,000 or more.

It is important to note that beyond production costs, other expenses such as scriptwriting, licensing fees for any music or stock footage used in the video, travel expenses for the film crew (if applicable), and post-production costs like editing or adding special effects need to be considered.

Ultimately the cost of a corporate training video depends on its length, complexity of the subject matter, quality expectations, production values desired by the company commissioning it and whether they are utilizing in-house resources or outsourcing to professional video production companies.