How Purposeful Kindness Can Make You a Better Educational Leader

While a leader needs to be assertive and in charge, being kind is also an important part of any leader, especially an educational one. Kindness is a simple subject that children need to learn at a young age. However, many adults lack kindness, so how are kids supposed to learn to be kind if they don’t have leaders that set this example? Here are some ways that using purposeful kindness can make you a better leader.

Supporting Others

A kind leader must always be willing to support others. Everyone has their own things going on in life and their own situations to deal with, so instead of acting like they’re superior to others, leaders need to support those around them. Leaders should always see what they can do to help those around them because it’s the little thoughts that can go a long way. This means that instead of just teaching kids what they need to learn, an educational leader should be there to personally support each of their students.

Recognizing the Accomplishments of Others

If something good happens to someone else, be sure to congratulate them. A big part of being kind is acknowledging the success of others instead of only celebrating your own success. No matter how big or small the accomplishment is, you should celebrate it. Others will learn to appreciate you and accept you more, which is a great thing for any type of leader. In class, make sure to reward good behaviors no matter how small they are. This will teach the students to respect you and become motivated to continue doing well in class.

Giving Feedback to Others

As a leader, you should be someone that is reliable and easy to trust. Giving feedback is an essential part of any role, but there are good and bad ways to go about it. If you need to give feedback to someone else, be sure to do it in a kind manner because it will allow others to respect you and listen to you more. Critical conversations can be difficult, but if you spin it in a positive way and try to present the information as kindly as possible, then you will receive better feedback from others. Therefore, if you notice that a student is misbehaving in class, address the problem in a polite and positive manner in order to effectively get through to them.

Caring for Others

When leading others, it is important to remember that they are people too. They have a life outside of work or school. So, as important as their assignments may be, you need to also make sure that you care for them and acknowledge their needs. Being a leader is more than just about getting things done, but it is also about caring for the well-being of others. If someone is not performing as they usually would, then you need to address the problem with them instead of getting angry. If a student refuses to do their work or acts out in class, be caring toward the situation and find the root of the problem. This will be much more effective than forcing them to do their work when they’re not up for it.


While there are many things that make a good leader, one aspect that people often forget is kindness. As an educational leader, you need to make sure you are kind to all students in order to motivate them for success.

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