Everyone loves the convenience of online shopping, and Amazon has become the go-to platform for millions of users worldwide. However, there are times when you may want to delete purchases from your Amazon order history, whether for privacy reasons or simply to declutter your account. In this article, we will guide you through the process of deleting purchases from your Amazon order history.
Step 1: Log in to Your Amazon Account
Before you can delete any purchase, first you need to log in to your Amazon account. Visit and enter your email address and password on the sign-in page. If you have trouble remembering your login details, use the “Forgot password” link to reset your password.
Step 2: Access Your Order History
Once logged in, hover over the “Accounts & Lists” option on the top right corner of the page and click on “Your Orders.” This will take you to your order history page where you can see all the items you have purchased.
Step 3: Archive an Order
Technically, you cannot delete a purchase from your order history. However, you can archive it so that it’s hidden from view. To do this, find the specific order that you want to remove and click on “Order Details.” Once in the order details screen, click on “Archive Order.” A pop-up will appear asking if you’re sure about archiving the particular order. Click “Yes” to confirm.
Please note that there is a limit to how many orders can be archived – up to 100 for most accounts. If you exceed this limit, some of your archived orders may become visible again.
Step 4: View Archived Orders
If at any point you wish to view or access one of your archived orders, go back into “Your
Orders” under “Accounts & Lists.” In the top right corner of the order history page, you will see a link that says “View Archived Orders.” Click this to view hidden purchases.
Step 5: Unarchive an Order (Optional)
Should you want to unarchive an order and return it to your visible order history, simply locate the specific order in your archived list. Click on “Order Details” and then on “Unarchive Order.” This will move the item back to your regular order history.
Though deleting purchases from your Amazon order history is not possible, archiving provides a suitable alternative, allowing you to hide sensitive purchases or simply keep a clean account. By following these simple steps, you can maintain better control over your online shopping footprint.