How to Implement the Character Charts Teaching Strategy in Your Classroom


The character charts method involves using graphic organizers to help learners organize information about characters in a story. Completed character charts are useful tools for studying for exams. They’re often used to record information about literary characters.


  1. Decide the Learning Outcome of Character Charts: There are many reasons to have learners utilize character charts. Here are some:
    • To help learners more deeply understand characters in a story or novel.
    • To help learners master the skill of looking for content evidence.
    • To ensure accountability.
    • To help learners prepare for an essay or project.
    • As a tool to measure learners’ comprehension of the content.
  2. Prepare the Chart: Which characters would you like learners to focus on? What information would you want learners to track? Must learners track multiple characters or follow one character?
  3. Structure of the Character Chart Activity: Learners can work on character charts individually or in small groups. Often, instructors, have learners share information on character charts using the Jigsaw teaching method. Sometimes, learners complete charts as a whole-class activity. Maybe you can organize this activity as a gallery walk, where a sheet for each character is posted on the wall, and learners walk around the room filling in information on the various charts.

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