How to Implement the Read Aloud to Learners Teaching Strategy in Your Classroom

If learners haven’t developed automaticity when reading, then they may be able to sound out individual words with little trouble. Still, they will read them in such halting fashion that they cannot pay full attention to the meaning of the content. Similarly, if they haven’t learned to read with expression, giving the appropriate text intonation, then they may get through sentences quickly yet not understand them.

Learning Outcome

  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Expression
  • Comprehension


  1. By modeling fluent reading, instructors can explain to learners how they adapt their voices to the specific kind of content.
  2. It can be especially helpful to do this when learners are getting started on a new reading assignment. By reading the beginning of the content aloud in class, instructors can send learners home with the sound of the language in their heads.
  3. Many learners need to be shown, explicitly, how to use commas, periods, question marks, and other punctuation to guide them as they read, cueing them to pause, stop, use a rising tone, and so on.
  4. Further, learners may need to learn that small shifts in rhythm, tone, and emphasis can change the meaning of what they read.

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