Learners are provided with an outline of the content, but the outline has some gaps. Learners read the content to fill in the gaps.
Learning Outcomes
- Set a purpose for reading
- Ask and answer questions
- Stimulate interest and curiosity
- Select a challenging literary or informational content. This method is ideally suited for content with complex ideas and/or challenging language.
- Draft an outline of the content, omitting one or two essential details. For instance, a text frame with gaps for a chapter in a social studies textbook on the events leading to America’s involvement in World War II may look like this:
- German troops occupy Paris.
- France surrenders.
- Hitler begins an all-out attack on Britain.
- America considers its options.
- The U.S. declares war.
- Ask learners to read the content, paying close attention to finding the missing information.
- After learners read the content, have them share what they wrote for the missing information. You could even vote to see which learner or team composes the best statement.
- This method allows learners to not only comprehend the content but requires them to pay close attention to their reading to find out what belongs in the fifth bullet point.
- As learners become more familiar with the process, add more missing bullets (gaps), requiring them to read and find the missing information.