How To Know Your Child Is Dealing With Depression

Depression is present in children of all ages. While you might think that your child is just antisocial or shy, they might be suffering from depression that you’re entirely unaware of. It is essential to determine whether your child has depression or not at an early age. 

There are different symptoms for every stage of childhood, and we are here to make sure that you know what each of these might look like. Let’s look at what to expect when it comes to depression in children. 

During Preschool

When they are in preschool, children tend to fall into various forms of habits. If you find your child is losing a skill set that they had developed, is having separation anxiety as you go to drop them, or doesn’t feel like playing, your child might be depressed. 

One thing parents do wrong is offer technology as an escape during this age. It has been reported that many Silicon Valley parents keep their children tech-free, as should you. Technology comes with pros and cons, and one of the biggest cons is that it may form depression during the early years of your child, so avoid excessive use of it. 

During Grade School

When it comes to children in grade school, you might see them showcasing a range of symptoms if they are depressed. 

These include being excessively negative, including negative self-talk, talking about pain without showcasing any physical issues, not having an interest in any daily activities, trying to get out of sports, only trying to watch TV or use other smart devices, losing weight, or not gaining any weight over an extended period. 

There are many more symptoms that you should be wary of when it comes to children and depression at this age. Don’t let them fall prey to this issue. 

During Teenage Years

One of the main reasons teenagers get depressed in today’s time is the introduction of technology, as the side effects of technology include depression. Make sure that you know what you’re letting your child play with. 

Along with this, you will see that they will seem distant from family, have antisocial behaviors, get easily angry and irritated, only want to use their smart devices, and similar other behaviors. You want to make sure that you keep a keen eye on these symptoms to avoid having your child fall too deep into depression.

Concluding Thoughts

You will need to make sure that you’re paying attention to your child’s needs as they grow up. Don’t let them deal with their worries and depression alone. Ensure that you keep a close eye on them, avoid giving bad advice, and seek therapy as soon as you figure out that your child has depression.